Why coastal communities should fear storm surge

The National Weather Service says almost half of all deaths from tropical cyclones come from storm surge.



Dave Christensen -- The only person here who is raving in anger is YOU. You're just another conservative consumed with a perpetual sense of grievance, and lashing out in a display of psychological projection.

It's this simple: Provide evidence to back up your many ridiculous claims. Objective evidence that is. The ravings of your favorite right-wing talk show entertainer do not count as proof of anything. Neither does you saying a version of "If you don't believe me, just ask me." Sorry, but your word alone is insufficient.

Objective proof, please. We'll wait.

And while I'm waiting, I'll be laughing at the irony of you claiming Democrats hate America, and making that claim to an American combat veteran. I've risked myself for this country. What, if anything, have you ever risked...

Scott Bornstein no you have people like biting with red backgrounds giving a speech like a Nazi telling Americans if you don't agree with me, then we will release the military on you. That's why he had the marine standing behind him and Neil Nazi setting. I'm just glad Biden is a one term president with the lowest approval ratings of any president. Wait until the Republicans take back the house, your hero, Biden will get nothing past your hero. Nancy Pelosi will be out and payback will begin with investigation after investigation after investigation payback is coming when the Republicans take back the house. . No maybe you should be going and obsessing about January 6, abortion and the climate go put all your energy into that because Democrats have nothing to run on decide to ride it out. Oh, and maybe go obsess about Trump and see what Trump is doing because you Democrats are so obsessed with Trump. It's hilarious. . .

Apocalipse, 8

12 O quarto anjo tocou. Foi atingida então uma terça parte do sol, da lua e das estrelas, de modo que se obscureceram em um terço; e o dia perdeu um terço da claridade, bem como a noite.*
13 A esta altura de minha visão, eu ouvi uma águia que voava pelo meio dos céus, clamando em alta voz: “Ai, ai, ai dos habitantes da terra, por causa dos restantes sons das trombetas dos três Anjos que ainda vão tocar”.* Apocalipse 8: 12-13. APOCALIPSE DESDE 2000 COMO PREVISTO.

Eclipse Solar Total 04 de Dezembro 2021 (vulcão Indonésia 39 mortos). Chuva de meteoros 14 de dezembro 2021.
Chuva de meteoros 03 de janeiro 2022. Chuva de meteoros 22 de abril 2022. Eclipse Solar Parcial 30 de abril 2022. Chuva de meteoros 06 de maio 2022. Eclipse Lunar Total, Lua de Sangue 16 de maio 2022. Chuva de meteoros 29 de julho 2022. Chuva de meteoros 12 de agosto 2022.
