CDC warns of severe illnesses from monkeypox as Ohio reports death of a monkeypox patient | CNN

The alert comes as Ohio reported that an individual with monkeypox has died – the third known death of a patient with monkeypox in the US


Marshall Dillon just like it was a *fact* that “if you get the vaccine, then you can’t contract it and you can’t spread it”?
Just like it was a “fact” that the Russian collusion dossier was 100% credible?
How about the “fact” that Kyle Rittenhouse was “a white supremacist murderer”?
Or the “fact” that Jacob blake was unarmed?
Or the “fact” that anyone other than an unarmed woman was murdered during the January 6 protests?
Just like the fact that the trump administration traded Taliban prisoners in Afghanistan.

How many Taliban prisoners do you imagine have been released from Afghan prisons during the Biden administration? Try “all of them”. And paid them billions of dollars in equipment to do it.

Just the “facts”, reported.
