The Try Guys say they will remove Ned Fulmer from future videos

The Try Guys are working to distance themselves from former member Ned Fulmer.


You KNOW the other three guys have led exemplary lives, never EVER having made AS MUCH AS ONE MISTAKE for the entirety. So, yeah, they turn a blind eye to their own faults while condemning the other guy. I thought this group ( who, prior to reading about them here) was a faith-based group. If that’s true, they’re not really showing their “brother” much in the way of compassion or understanding as he fights to set himself and his marriage back on course. I thought we were supposed to not immediately condemn people to hell when they still have the capacity to be “saved”. They sound like nothing more than hypocrites to me. But then, that’s why I do NOT promote religion of any kind. It’s effects on humans is what is behind the current destruction of America by the ultra-conservative religious RIGHT.

Tamica Griffith actually, they dread this was made public. they were trying to keep this private and for almost a month, they did. but then the internet snuffed out the details and started spreading lots of ideas and rumors so they had to come forward and discuss what was true and false, and make public statements. they're just hoping it blows off soon because they expressed the pain and trauma of this last month. i feel bad they dread all these emails, articles, and questions. sadly the internet thrives on drama, and the try guys never wanted to be a part of that but thanks to ned, and being caught publically that could cost them problems with the law, they had to

Sue Bloczynski huh, so let me get this straight… you’re okay with adultery, infidelity, having an affair with a coworker behind your significant other’s back? All while putting up a front that you’re a family man, and that you love your wife and kids with everything in you? If any of that sits well with you, I really do feel sorry for your significant other, and I feel that they’d be better off without you. Plus, what Ned did directly affects the try guys’ brand. A brand that all of them spent years building. They made the right decision from a moral and a business standpoint.

Sue Bloczynski this was not about having an affair -- that would be a mistake.

This guy was acting as the HR Department for the company and had an affair with one of his direct reports. This is a PERSONNEL issue as well as a PERSONAL issue.

If it were a personal issue, then I am certain the others would be taking their cues off of Ariel.... however, it would not be a fireable offense. It might have made them want to take him out of the front of the camera, but it would not have had the same legal ramifications.

This man put his marriage in jeopardy.
This man put his partners' business in jeopardy.
