Biden administration authorizes $725 million in additional security assistance for Ukraine | CNN Politics

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the additional assistance brings the total US military aid to Ukraine since January 2021 to more than $18 billion


Abubakar Bello Rafin-dadi yes. A bridge built by the government, paying the best engineers to build a quality bridge, protected by maintenance workers who make sure it is safe for the citizens.
Citizens that are in cars regulated for safety by the government, going to jobs that are regulated in favor of the worker for safety, pay, and time.
All of the nation protected by the most powerful military in the world to keep our citizens safe.
Citizens can choose where they live; either in a nice home or under a bridge.
Those living under a bridge are victims of greed and poisoning by the pharmaceutical corporations.

How much has he announced for Palestinians living under occupation and subjugation of nuclear armed Israeli army?Every day has been a nightmare since 1948.People have been killed indiscriminately. Wells have been Poisoned,leaders assassinated,kids killed ,homes torched,land stolen,kindergarten schools teargassed and dead bodies held hostage for long.Those who protest are called terrorists and their lives terminated without mercy.Even kids under ten are arrested and taken to military courts without presence of guardians or lawyers.Some are scared to death by well armed army .They kill even doctors going to treat the injured,journalists daring report their crime on time even if they are US citizens, amputees or autistic kids ......Human right commissions in Israel like B'teselem and UN led ones have come to conclusions these crimes happen. Here is one Israeli media reporting about recently unclassified reports about Israel crimes:

Saleh Yusuf: FASCIST RuZsians invaded these former member countries (or parts of them) of the dissolved USSR which were/ are not members of the NATO alliance:

- Moldova- 1992
- Georgia- 1992- 1993
- Chechnya- 1994- 1996
- Dagestan- 1999

And also these countries:
- Syria- 2015- Present
- Central African Republic- 2019- Present

Parts of Ukraine- 2014
- Crimea
- Donetsk
- Luhansk
Many Parts of Ukraine- 24 February 2022- Present

IF Putin won't be Ukraine now, he would also invade their other neighbours that are not members of NATO.
The reason why even the long neutral ones like Finland and Sweden are applying for membership to NATO.
Putin's ultimate goal is to rebuild the.dissolved USSR/ Pro- Russian Empire from Vladivostok to Portugal in Europe.

Yep, "...the world has gone.bigger than what u think now." Yet people like you seem to live in an alternate reality world. You still see, hear and believe only what those who manipulates and brainwashed you want you to.

Amber Robinson actually, it is not a sad world at all.
It feels sad to you because you let yourself consume propaganda garbage that you refuse to turn off.
Terrible news and social media, is the addiction for you and you feel the only cure is death to others and draconian leadership from authoritarians.
Thankfully the rest of the world's people aren't as pathetic, small, and self-centered as the people who suffer from that addiction, fueled by imbecilic people, like Doug.
There is a way to break the addiction.
What you need to have is an intervention, from any of the friends or family you have left that will talk with you.
All you need to do is to turn off the social media, and stay away from Russian propagandists, like Doug.

Ken Lugo 1. We have to help a sovereign nation from being invaded by a communist dictator. We send money instead of American soldiers. We ignored Hitler rolling across Europe and waited too long.... that led to a world War where over 400,000 American soldiers were killed before we were able to win. An eventual world War would cost much more (money and lives) in the end.
2. The economic disaster in the US is the direct result of the US administration. All of that could be turned around in months if the US administration recalled all of their economy killing decisions and allowed the free market to function again... it won't happen

Kubania Lameque B unfortunately there is a lot of homeless people especially in the liberal controlled cities. The price of housing there is just too much and most can’t find housing. After you get out of the liberal areas the big cities in other words very few people are homeless. May I live in a very rural area I own my own house and my own land.  if you ever come to America for a visit do not go to the big cities stay away from those areas if you want to see America in real Americans go to the smaller towns eat at a local café go to a local bar. That’s the real America. Go take a country Drive and see the farms and the scenery.  and it doesn’t matter where you go in the country most Americans love football and beer. Also you also find out that there’s many different cultures in America among Americans there’s also many different dialects of English language. I hope I was able to give you some insights

Americans are hurting and we are sending money to what is essentially Europe's problem. The Ukraine situation shows exactly how useless Europe is when considering its own defense. Europe has countries with nuclear capabilities and combined has a great military capability and yet they choose to do nothing. Europe should just pay us for its on defense. Russia sees Joe Biden as a continuation of the Obama Administration and that was the last time they had an adventure in Ukraine. We have no business whatsoever in Ukraine and should get out and take care of our own people and let Europe take care of this.

Putin's 'Designated Targets'

Ukraine war: Putin says no more massive strikes - for now

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said there is no need for more massive strikes on Ukraine, days after the heaviest bombardment of the country since the war began.

He said most designated targets of the strikes had been hit, adding that it was not his aim to destroy Ukraine.

Basically, by designating the targets that Putin said had been hit, were targets chosen, prior to or during the war in Ukraine to cause the most catastrophic damage to civilian infrastructure, cause the most loss of life as well as causing the most emotional and psychological damage not only to the targets hit and Ukraine, but NATO and the Freeworld as well.

Just like we have seen with terrorists in the Middle East and School massacres in the U.S., the choice of designated targets are always, large groups of civilians or children, to maximize the destructive ratio of the attack.

A military base has a ratio of 5.00 because it is a military base and is able to defend itself. But as you move away from military installations towards soft civilian targets, the destructive ratio goes due to the inability of soft target being able to defend itself, or mass mobilize a professional response from a military.

Attacks on schools, residence, shopping malls, etc. puts the destructive ration close to 10.

A destructive ratio of 7.5 is considered terrorism related and will increase to 10 the more civilian soft targets are attacked, but more so the destructive ratio is a 10 because Putin said that the designated targets that were attacked, were based on the various effects that are not contained within the attack area or country.

Putin is no different than Osama Bin Laden or ISIS.
