Ethan Crumbley expected to plead guilty for fatal shooting at Oxford High School, prosecutors say | CNN

Ethan Crumbley, the teenager accused of fatally shooting four students and injuring seven others at a Michigan high school last year, is expected to plead guilty to murder charges next week.


Say his name “Derek Chauvin” 100% HERO………….convicted for not being POC……… Everyone that wishes to punish the 4 Police heroes should receive the punishment themselves. Minneapolis needs to compensate each of the officers accused of George's death with 12 million (27 million) dollars...

Note: The Judge & the Jury got it wrong….js ….George Floyd was not on trial….he was already convicted of aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon and served four years in prison

A convicted criminal resisted arrest and said he can’t breathe when in the police vehicle then struggled and resisted even more. He was possibly overdosing. He had cardiac problems and he said he had COVID-19. Combine all of these factors.... All he had to do was comply with the police.

There's only one person primarily responsible for George's death that is George... even though the onlookers that attempted interfering with Police business should take some responsibility

Minneapolis needs to compensate each of the officers accused of George's death with 12 million (27 million) dollars...
Everyone that wishes to punish these 4 should receive the punishment themselves

Instruct our convicted criminals to COMPLY…js

Stop systemic racism and comply like the rest of us
Stop racial Supremacy and comply like the rest of us
Stop racial privilege and comply like the rest of us
Stop racism and support our men and women in blue

Over 15,000 murders each year in the US not by cops
Over 20,000 murders in 2020 in the US not by cops …I guess defunding police just works that way…

All that so-called peaceful protesting for no reason.
All Lives Matter
Every witness, officer, and EMT at the scene is alive today because of former Officer CHAUVIN....COVID19

PS Occasionally noncompliance works but I would not advise it .....most of the time additional charges apply if not death...js
Note over 2 million people are alive in prison today likely because they choose to comply…js
I agree to disagree with those that disagree…Jury & Judge got it wrong….js

Note: Racist are always the first ones to accuse others of being Racist …js

When someone was worth $27,000,000 dead but $0 alive...humm

George Floyd has been sober and crime free for 2 years now! Congrats to him.

Note: Racist are always the first ones to accuse others of being Racist …js
PS if you support Trump you're aiding and abetting his Crimes

BTW …. Gayle & Tamron Reminds of George Floyds suicide by Fentanyl also others who died by suicide by COP

BLMers are mad at me because I support Law and Order …Trumpers are mad at me because I support Law and Order….humm

allez cnn vous pouvez engager des espion et des ecrivain et poetes et des pirates de l'informatique etc ce que vous voulez espionner et espionner ce que vous voulez etc maintenant jusque dans 100ans et dans 100ans et tout les 100ans et maintenant jusque il y a 100ans de ca et tout les 100ans de ca je suis sebastian flament a mingoval en france aka nicolas 2 romanov et je suis votre conseiller et je vous explique au cas ou mettez mon clown dans le futur pour vous expliquer et contactez le malefique alexandra romanov et le malefique robert mueller et pour le secret contactez le malefique,malefice, mal flament sebastian et si vous avez besoin de quelque chose ou autre demander ce que vous voulez meme si il faut du financement ou autre et contactez nous et prenez rendez vous pour me rencontrer et garde le secret pour tout ca tu ma compris le plus longtemp possible et les ecrivain et poetes travaillent tous pour moi renseignez vous et les pirates de l'informatique travaille tous pour moi voyez ca avec mon organisation de pirates de l'informatique et les espion travaille tous pour moi aussi
