Lana Del Rey says laptop containing her new album was stolen

Lana Del Rey says she was robbed of a backpack that contained her laptop, which had her new album on it


Mehdi, I’ll address both your comments since you don’t like writing them in one.

First. “The Fappening” was initially rumored to be an actual hack against Apple, but as we learned more it was actually more likely Spear Phishing. Which brings me to my second point.

Falling for a phishing attempt is in fact entirely on you. Your cloud provider isn’t being mishandled, it’s a bad actor attempting to access it. Your cloud can’t (generally) help too much if you hand over the keys to the kingdom - hence why we’ve seen the rise in MFA (ignoring the counter-attempts which leave this as “better than not having it”).


Hi. Mr Biden.
"We are in an
economic crisis,
a political crisis,
a food crisis —
an everything crisis."
Because of you.
All the world are saying that.
Please Go to hell.
Syria Bombing = saudi arabian bombing = Ukrainian bombing = is made by Iran and Biden
supporter of terrorists.
Blood of Ukrainian and saudi arabian distributed between Iran and Biden (terrorists). Explosion of iranian drones
(Biden contradicts himself. Biden is a democrat. And in same time he help Iranian dictatorial authority to kill their people. Please tell me Where is the principles of Democratic here. Double standards)
Iran is bombing Ukraine at this moment.(And Biden's mouth still open Wondering)
A political strategic wallow.
Ukraine and Saudi Arabia went through the same experience of Iran and Biden terrorist .
Iran(the best friend of Mr. Biden) is bombing Ukraine at this moment.
blow bomb. blow bomb. blow bomb.
Iranian drone bomber.
Giving you a gift.
Congratulations Biden.
(Strengthening enemies=stupid strategy=Iran's drones are burning Ukraine now)
Hi Biden. Your best friend (iran). Iranian drones are burning Kyiv now while it was burning saudi arabia and you was encourage them.
Drink with same Cup of poison.
Biden leads the whole world to the abyss.
Iran announces that it has became a nuclear force.

Putin involves Iran with him in Ukraine. He takes Iranian drone in exchange for providing Iran with a deadly Russian missiles to strike Israel, if Israel would attack iranian nuclear station.

Did Putin really need drones from Iran to make an advancing in the Ukrainian war? Or does Putin want to implicate Iran with him in the war in order to refrain from Europe and America to conclude a nuclear deal with Iran.

So Iran has become a nuclear state. How is that? Because Iran will return to the seventh item of national security automatically.
Iran is nuclear country ... and China is a leader of the world.
Game papers mixation.
What is the only way which will out Putin from this war as a victorious ..
If Putin is able to persuade Iran to launch a war against Israel in exchange for Iran to obtain the nuclear bomb without needing for a nuclear agreement with the West, so this war will disperse NATO, because america and Turkey will leave europe alone to help Israel so europe will be more Easy for putin and also The increasing in oil production will be stopped because of war in Middle east source of oil, so the prices will rise in a crazy way and that will make Western peoples in a situation of chaos. And the collapse of the global economic system.will occur, Russia and the West also will collapse together, and China will emerge as the only pole in the world.
This will make America use nuclear against China and World War III will happen.
(Pain Brain designer)
