Video shows adult at daycare wearing a mask and terrifying children. Child abuse charges have now been filed.

“It made me sick to my stomach to think of the terror those kids were enduring.”


Aaron Nelson so because I disagree with you I sound ridiculous? I don’t think what they did was OK and I think them being fired and basically banned from that profession is punishment enough. People can disagree on what an appropriate punishment is for a particular set of circumstances. I think it’s ridiculous that you think this is so life altering that somebody should have their lives ruined and end up maybe even having jail time. I’ve been through some tough stuff in my life, and maybe you’ve just had a really easy life so your perspective is skewed that you think this is just so horrible

My three year old loves watching the kids horror stuff on YouTube. She knows it’s pretend and when I questioned her about it or been apprehensive, she always make sure that she tells me that she knows it isn’t real. She is kind of advanced I guess for her age, but these daycare workers obviously exercised extremely poor judgment. While I don’t think this is the worst thing in the world, if they are exercising poor judgment on something like this then I can only imagine that they would probably have poor judgment regarding other situations that might be more important, if that makes sense. I personally don’t think charges are justified, getting fired from your job and possibly not be able to get another job in that field is punishment enough

Billy Cooper OMG. I am fine that they lost their job. I don’t think they should face legal consequences. They were arrested and are being charged with a slew of charges. I am glad that they lost their jobs. Why don’t you read what I actually wrote before jumping to conclusions. I don’t agree that they were charged legally in the matter since they were punished enough and yes losing a job can be a very detrimental thing for a person and if their only experience is in childcare then clearly they are going to have to start from scratch in another field. That’s a consequence and a very severe one and a punishment in my book. You don’t have to agree with me. I don’t think they should’ve been arrested.

One of the biggest problems in our society is how Liberals believe it is ok to have drag queens dressed as demons teaching kids but God forbid if someone puts a mask on for Halloween.....Dont get me wrong how someone lives their own lives is their business I do not have a problem with drag queens but I do not think children should be exposed to it that is a choice they should make when they are adults just like drinking and smoking for example also it is supposed to be illegal to expose children to sexual content but it does not apply in this case? But yes let's make a big deal out of someone with a morbid sense of humor on Halloween......An to answer the question when I will be verbally attacked for my opinion no I do not think it was a good idea for them to scare children......

Julie Morgan That’s not the point. The point is that they are already being punished appropriately by losing their jobs and basically being banned from that field in the future, getting them in legal trouble is just ruining somebody’s lives for making a mistake. This has nothing to do with making excuses. I’ve never understood when people like to see others inappropriately punished for something that in the grand scheme of things Isn’t the end of the world. They should at least have to prove that these children were damaged on a long-term basis by this before they throw the book at them.

I think you all stopped reading after the first 2 sentences. Maybe read the whole comment. Specifically, where I stated "I'm not saying it was a good idea for the workers of the day care to do this to little ones...."

The problem with people in today's society is they are so quick to say everything is wrong except for what they do themselves.

No matter whether a toddler is with their parents on Halloween or not, it is just as scary as someone that watches them daily dressing up in a scary mask.

I do not agree with them scaring the kids by getting in their faces and chasing them but I also do not agree that these actions constitute lawful punishment or legality. If that was the case, it should be illegal for any Halloween functions, anywhere outside of your private home or in the presence of minors.

Aaron Nelson yeah it’s possible that it could have long lasting affects but that’s pretty unlikely. They could have a memory of it and then when they get older they can look back on it and say wow that was scary, but to say it was life altering to that degree I just don’t think it’s very likely. I had a crazy second grade teacher who was verbally abusive and smacked kids hands with a ruler. I have not so great memories thinking back on her, but was i traumatized? I wouldn’t go that far. And I consider myself overall a fairly sensitive person

EVERY SINGLE PARENT needs to put a recorder in their child's backpack! Or, if your child is in upper level school, a recorder on them physically! This is what our world has come to people.
I had to do that years ago when my son was in 5th grade. There were reports by the students about the teacher threatening them and acting aggressively etc. After 3 meetings with the school, and no results, I armed my son with the recorder. My God, that night, when my husband and I listened to it.... we went from cringing to wanting to , well, you can imagine. Met with the school again, pulled out the recorder and the teacher fled the room!!! That was all the proof the school needed. She was fired.
Parents, get smart!

Julie Morgan Of course all kids are different and I did acknowledge that the daycare workers exercise very poor judgment, but people do make mistakes and sometimes don’t think through their actions. I just don’t see how ruining the daycare workers lives is helpful in the situation if they are already facing severe consequences. Unfortunately for your daughter the world is not going to accommodate her and she’s going to see scary things throughout the course of her life. Of course that shouldn’t happen at the hands of a day care worker and I am in no way justifying their actions, I’m just saying that I don’t think the punishment fits the crime.

9 gemas
2 ovos
350 g de açúcar peneirado
250 g de coco ralado fresco
1 colher (sopa) e 1/2 de manteiga
Manteiga e açúcar para untar...MODO DE PREPARO
Coloque as gemas numa bacia e as bata por 1 minuto, acrescente o 2 ovos bata por aproximadamente 1 minuto também.
Coloque o açúcar e a manteiga e bata ate ficar com consistência de gemada.
Depois acrescente o coco ralado e bata apenas até ele se juntas a massa.
Unte as forminhas com manteiga e açúcar, e coloque a massa.
Pré-aqueça o fogo por 15 minutos na potência alta, depois coloque as forminhas na qual você colocou a massa no forno alto por 10 minutos.
Depois mude para a potência média por mais 30 minutos, retire-as, deixe-as esfriar e desenforme-as.
