Voters in five states have the chance to wipe slavery and indentured servitude off the books

When slavery was outlawed in the US in 1865, the 13th Amendment included one exception.


Joey Rettinghaus maybe try reading the article before you comment again. “In-house prison labor is by far the most common type of prison labor, and typically refers to prison maintenance jobs including kitchen duty, cleaning, or groundskeeping. Workers can be punished, even sent to solitary confinement, for taking a sick day, even in the eight states where in-house labor is unpaid. But being paid is not much. The average low and high rates across the US for in-house labor are 14 and 63 cents per hour, respectively, and that is before wage garnishment, which can account for up to half of one’s earnings (though wage garnishments can arguably go to worthy sources, such as victims’ reparation funds). For a state-by-state breakdown of wages and sources, see this resource from the Prison Policy Initiative.”

Gretchen Field

(When Trump won an award for his efforts from a bipartisan black group, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) vowed to boycott it.) Trump also pardoned the late heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson, who had been convicted for violating a racist law. Lowest black poverty and unemployment rates ever. Trump achieved the lowest black poverty and unemployment rates ever recorded. He did it with targeted policies like Opportunity Zones, and also broader policies such as focusing on rapid economic growth. He also helped black Americans by enforcing immigration laws, which cut unfair competition for entry-level jobs. Other minority groups saw similar benefits. He named the first black chief of a military service branch, appointing Gen. Charles Q. Brown to lead the Air Force. And he also nominated Lorna M. Mahlock as the first black female brigadier general in the Marines. Trump took pride in these achievements, yet the left called him racist.

Randy Pressner hmmmm there is a reason why you can’t make any lasting relationships. You still haven’t made a point. You asked me if the Democratic President was a… Democrat and when I told you I had to go for a few hours, you pretended I’m running away. Low IQ, illogical and very likely autistic huh? Wasn’t your intellectual equal Biden a Senator when Democrat segregationists were running his Democrat Party. The same Biden who worked with segregationists was Obama’s Vice President. Does any of that change the fact that Democrats were the party of KKK, slavery and segregation??? Of course not. Hey, majority of Blacks have Stockholm syndrome and actually vote Democrat. Despite the fact that Democrat run cities are turned into Third World War zones. You cannot make a point and are not too bright. Use this Sunday to meet some people instead of sounding insane on Facebook. Even if you’re too scared to leave your home without your obedience mask on. There are circles in which neurotic people are accepted too.

Randy Pressner . Did you have to have American taxpayers bail you out for your student loan? Have you ever talked about history with a European? You Americans don’t know much. Also your IQ is on low. You believe a child protective bill is “don’t say gay bill” because CNN told you so. Either The Capital or Das Kapital. Have some linguists consistency. Hey, obviously you don’t have human relationships and obviously you don’t have children. Why do you far-leftists insist children be exposed to drag queen shows????? Let’s not forget, you’re the Democrat here. No point in pretending you’re not the dumb one here. Do you speak other languages? Well, not being able to have interpersonal relationships, why would you need another language???

I do not agree that prisoners should be forced to work for profit of an individual or a company but for working on state on properties like highways roads and things like that yeah they should have to do something in prison instead of just sit there yet our tax dollars is going to be them and make sure they have free healthcare then they need to return the service by helping to clean up the highways or helping to clean up cities if they get out there and actually have to do some hard work for once that’s also a good incentive for them to never go back or they’ll be doing the same thing. It’s not the same thing as slavery the only thing that would be the same thing as slavery is that they were working for profit or working for an individual to make a profit like what they do in China they take prisoners and they work them almost to death in the factories over there especially the food produce industry

Randy Pressner your horizons are very narrow. Happens with low IQ leftists who only speak one language. Let me see if I understand your convoluted point correctly and then let me address it after you tell me if understood you right. So here: Democrats were the party of slavery and segregation. You are trying to tell me as well as a not too bright guy on the spectrum can say anything that Republicans back then we’re liberals and now magically the Democrats, the party of silencing people are the ideological descendants of the Republicans of the past. It’s impossible because the Democrats have nothing to do with any liberal ideas. There is a reason why your so panickly afraid to answer my questions. You know very well that even to ponder my questions, you’d have to admit how wrong you have been all those years.

Nothing liberal about today’s Democrats дорогой they are not the ideological descent of the brave Republicans of the past. Do you understand other Slavic languages? My wife’s of Scottish descent but my kids speak Polish. When I have conversations in other Slavic languages, they don’t understand it. Well, I’ll speak Polish to a Czech or Slovak and hear their language back. My kids would only catch my side of conversation. Speaking Polish and Russian I understand 90%+ of Ukrainian. If you like history and Slavic languages, check out Sorbian. Serbische sprache in German. Those guys lived under German rule for over 1000 years and retain their language. To me they sound like a German speaking Czech. They pronounce “R” just like Germans do.
