ExxonMobil posts another record profit as oil prices remain high | CNN Business

ExxonMobil’s profit set a record for the second straight quarter as oil and gas prices remained high. No. 2 US oil company Chevron also posted much-better-than-expected results.



Never forget in 2020 Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris— and every single elitist Democrat on the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate stage raised their hands in agreement that when they are back in power FUEL PRICES Would INCREASE.

As Biden’s Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg recently said:
“These prices are hard and they're difficult for YOU, but they're VALUABLE because they're going to make fossil fuels unaffordable and therefore we'll be FORCEd to go to renewables.”

Democrat elites like Joe Biden, Buttigieg and the Democratic Party apparatchiks in the media always leave out an import detail called the truth. The truth is the more renewables you have and rely on the more expensive your electricity is, and that’s true around the world.

Why The War on Energy Threatens Us All

Biden Is Failing The World
The world desperately needs energy and yet President Joe Biden is preventing sufficient quantities of oil and gas from being produced.

Randy Kegley we did, the United Stars is the largest producer of oil in the world with over 14.8 billion barrels of oil produced per year, Saudi Arabia comes in at second around 12.5 billion and Russia at around 11.2 billion.

Production is high, and the cost to produce is even higher as it takes years to develop new oil fields. Oil companies have been awarded 3,500 new permits for producing on new leases in 2021 alone. It’s just not what they will do until it makes profitable sense. Why invest when supply and demand is generating $1.33 in profit per gallon, when all investment will do is drive the revenue down per gallon, that makes zero sense for a corporation to do that has a fiduciary responsibility to its stockholders.

Is it morally right to make such high profit, no, but that’s supply and demand economics. We’re in an economic war with Russia and Europe is buying our domestic fuel and heating oil which is driving up our costs and demand. Econ 101.

How is Biden going to start all those "infrastructure" projects without diesel fuel?

The energy crisis is worsening. The U.S. has fewer than 30 days of diesel and other distillate fuels, the lowest level since 1945. Supplies are so low that there will be shortages and price spikes within six months unless the U.S. enters recession, experts warn. In response, the Biden administration is releasing more oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Top Dems Urge Biden To Nationalize Oil & Gas Industry

Michael Shellenberger

"Semi-Fascist" by definition is which political party?

Fascists governments control industry- basically fascists take over control of the private businesses so they're not exactly private because the government controls them, along with the government suppressing freedoms etc. Top Dems Urge Biden To Nationalize Oil & Gas Industry.

Scott Adams

Kurt Gottselig, don't go away. You have something intelligent to say. There are over 3000 drilling permits being challenged by the Biden administration in court. If the oil companies are allowed to drill for oil wouldn't that bring the cost down? After all competition is great for the consumer!
If you have a commodity and you are prevented from getting to that commodity, the price will naturally go up. Does that make sense? Cool it with the "Orange Man" crap. That is for the far left. You actually have something to say.
Didn't Biden run on the campaign promise, "No More Fossil Fuels"? This is the result.

A INFLAÇAO VOLTA A SUBIR O IPCA-15 (Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo 15) subiu 0,16% em outubro, informou nesta terça-feira (25) o IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística). O resultado veio após dois meses consecutivos de queda (-0,37% em setembro e -0,73% em agosto). Analistas consultados pela agência Bloomberg projetavam elevação de 0,09% em outubro. A GASOLINA VOLTA SUBIR EM OUTUBRO O preço da gasolina vendida nos postos do País voltou a subir nos últimos sete dias, segundo dados da Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP). O valor médio foi de R$ 4,86 para R$ 4,88, uma alta de 0,41%. É a segunda semana consecutiva com aumento do combustível, após um período de queda de preços iniciado no final do mês de junho.

Por sua vez, o diesel teve seu preço médio do litro avançando de R$ 6,51 para R$ 6,59, um aumento de 1,22%. Foi a primeira alta do combustível desde o fim de junho. O litro do etanol também subiu, passando de R$ 3,46 para R$ 3,54, um avanço de 2,31% na semana. Foi a terceira alta seguida no preço do biocombustível. OPAIS IMAGINARIO DE BOLSONARO COMEÇA MOSTRAR SUA VERDADEIRA FASE ANTES DO FIM DA ELEIÇAO
