St. Louis school shooter was flagged in FBI background check but was still able to legally purchase a gun, police say | CNN

The gunman who killed two people and wounded several others in a school shooting in St. Louis, Missouri, on Monday was flagged by an FBI background check but was still able to purchase the AR-15-style rifle he used in the attack from a private seller, police said


Vanessa Bosede Sappor or the government needs to be more tangible than waving a flag. How many shootings have happened in 10 years that resulted legal sells and flags, how many times did they tell us the shooters were in there radars or have been watched before these crimes are committed. And if in fact, which this is true, if the background isn't received in a.ount of days from moment start of sell, the sellers will sell the gun. And it's legal. If I sold you a car and you decide to have a mental crisis and run some one over, am I responsible for selling you a car you used to kill some one with ? Or what would Wal mart be responsible for allowing a sell of a kitchen knife if he were to go after some one with it ?

It don't matter what the argument is. It will always boil into politics it will always take focus away from the evil person behind the trigger. And it's people like that is why you will never get any kind of gun Control in this country... Chicago has given the rest of the country reasons why gun control is a loss.

Blake Purvis. The gun control stopped this shooter from buying a gun from a dealer. How can that not be a good thing? Need the same checks & regulations for private sales. Then maybe 2 people would be alive. Plus a Red Flag Law would have allowed police to confiscate the gun from a known danger
How can those laws be bad? Unless you are mentally ill and a known danger you would still be able to freely buy a gun. No one wants to take away your guns! Why should the mentally ill dangerous people get to do whatever they want? They are not of sound mind yet get more rights than the innocent victims?

Jonathan Colatorti again I will restate what I have already said. Perhaps you will read it this time. I cannot imagine how you think keeping things as they are is for the best but I’m sure you are all for not changing the laws.

I agree they should be enforced, however when so many are excused from any real sentencing by judges and politics, it is an often overlooked crime. Right now gun laws carry the weight of jaywalking.
Stricter laws, stricter guidelines and sentencing penalties will make it much more disadvantageous for people to possess or sell guns to those who aren’t licensed to own and carry them

Nick Youngblood and think how many more vehicular deaths there would be without the existing laws in place about using a car and rules of the road. In turn, think of the innocent lives saved if we had the same use requirements for guns that we have for cars: education, exam, licensure with required reinstatement every so many years,, insurance requirement for ownership, rules governing use (akin to rules of the road). Research shows (and common sense tells) these things would save lives. I will never understand why anyone has a problem with these things? I'm a gun owner and am also an advocate for gun law reform. It's clearly obvious that it's needed.

Horatio Claggett So this is just a question, I am very much in favor of the 2nd amendment. But. Could we not require that all guns be registered and that if you sell a gun, that registration would need to be passed to the buyer. As such a back ground check would be necessary or the ownership can’t pass to the buyer, holding the seller responsible for the gun and what happens with it?

I mean it wouldn’t stop illegal trade of guns but maybe would stop some simple sales of guns that get guns in the wrong hands.

Personally, I don’t blame the gun. I blame the shooter. But we have to admit that this person should not have had a gun.

“Teachers and law enforcement have applauded how students conducted themselves during the attack.”

While I’m happy to hear that the kids didn’t panic and got out safely, what a sad, sad time we live in when we are now saying how proud we are that CHILDREN handled themselves calmly during a school SHOOTING. Schools should be one of the safest places in the world, and yet shootings have become so common here that we “applaud” our kids when they “conduct” themselves appropriately during an “attack” on their school. This was not a tornado or hurricane, or some natural disaster. This was an attack on a school, and a safe space turned into a war zone because of a dangerous weapon. This should not become the norm for our children.

Sharon Mixon Kelly not saying they can’t be changed, but that’s quite the uphill battle, legislatively, and judicially.

Even if they drop FOPA, and States drop their laws, they’ll still have to figure out ways around other Amendments, especially the 4th Amendment, because, typically, the government cannot tell you what to do with your own private property and if they cannot overcome that, and might never be able to without another Amendment, then you cannot create a registry for millions of firearms that are out there but the owners being unwilling to submit that information to whatever agency would run it.

Cheryl Milton by that logic, could we charge car salesmen for selling a car used as a weapon ? Nah because then that means everyone with a license is subjected for adjustment. Why do we keep putting the fault of evil who isn't responsible? We finally stopped blaming guns and blame the trigger man but now media wants to chalk up that we aren't doing anything about crazy people. The government never has and never will. Remember there was a time they put those people in one building and they just rotted in filth and feces .. and if you were gay ... you get put there too. Are we going to have to result to the old ways, so we can infuriate those who can't grip the reality that the evil delivered isn't by the hand that fed them, these evil people already know what they are capable of. People want gun control, but can't do it with out infringing constitutional rights that you, me and your kids and your kids rights to self defense from people like this, the tyrannical government and those whom threaten our way of live abroad.

Lynn Marble it really is a terrible are a privileges not a constitutionally protected right...

That said you want to to treat guns like cars am game for that...

Cars are not individually regulated at a federal level...

-No background check for cars,
-No criminal conviction ever prohibite you from buying a car,
-there are no legal qualifiers or legal disqualification,
-no age limit on the purchase age for a car,
-no restriction on what type of car I can buy or build...

And no you do not need a license, registration or insurance to buy and own a car....

you are only legally required to have such things ...when or if you intend on operating a vehicle openly in or in a public space / roadway...

You really want to to that for firearms

10ºTerry Califf of society as a whole. We don't hold people accountable for their actions. Our VP helped bail violent rioters out of jail because she supported their cause. Violence was perfectly ok with her then. She was not the only one. Not one democrat stood up and said this is wrong. Instead they made up ridiculous saying to condone the violence. DAs did not prosecute those that were arrested. Other serious crimes are no longer being prosecuted in some jurisdictions. In many places police no longer respond or take reports on certain crimes. Society is clearly sending the message that if it feels good to you do it. It is your truth.... When we get rid of reality and insist that everyone can have their own truth we no longer have a clear standard of right and wrong.
