Elon Musk has taken control of Twitter and fired its top executives

Elon Musk closes deal to purchase Twitter and fires CEO and two other executives, according to a source.



Of course Musk got rid of the guys who made a fool of him by getting him to buy Twitter at a ridiculously high price of $44 Billion. The departing execs now get a big payday from his purchase, some 1100 Twitter employees have already been poached by blue chip tech companies and Musk is left with a husk of a company he himself damaged and $100 Million in extra legal costs because he mistakenly believed he could just change his mind and then skate away. Genius move there, Elon! Where are the previous commenters who swore he’d get the price down or just be able to walk away from a deal he made in haste and hubris and then regretted? Even smart folks make dumb mistakes sometimes and this one is pretty embarrassing for Musk. He’s already backing away from some chest-beating pronouncements he made about headcount reductions and content censorship, so now we get to see what he actually does with the platform and if he can double its revenue in three years as he said he could before he owned it.

If ONLY those of you here that are so infuriated by a guy who bought a platform that he felt was acting against the Constitution knew that your actions are the same sort that led to Hitler rising to power you'd know why Fascism, as well as, Socialism and Communism and Marxism sucked!

Personally I could care less what he does, I'm not profiting from anything he does or does Not do. But, you All really need to remember that Fascism is actually nothing more than the power one obtains after claiming Socialism.

And that sure as s*** is Not one single Non-Democrats direction, nor has it been.

Fascism, like ALL things is best decided by actions... Not words. And No Non-Democrat has preached Nor acted in a way that resembles old school Hitler. But, if you are willing to let yourself think freely I believe you'll see which party actually does.

This is Not meant to be mean or offend. Only to help this Nation get back to the Unity it had on September 12th, 2001. But, we won't get there until we see what paths those in power are attempting to lead you down.

Cali Summer that’s not quite accurate, Madonna did get reprimanded and people who posted her got restricted … Joe Biden has said he wants to punch Trump in the face but Biden rarely say things like this while Trump says a lot of vile things and name people almost in a daily bases that he got out of control… the lies he constantly spew are outrageous … and yet he gets a way with a lot of things … how’s that for hypocrisy? Can you not see that Trump constant message is hate and division … capitalizing on fear … most ex president doesn’t have scandals after their terms but not Trump and he is still costing American taxpayers millions as we speak because of what he did by taking top secret materials from the White House… and yet Republicans wants to crucify Clinton for those emails and she spent hours and hours being questioned for this and yet they found nothing and here’s Trump , not willing to go under oath for his actions while most of the people that are connected to him are convicted and serving time … that’s why he wants to be in power again so he can avoid indictment or possibly prison … that’s why it’s mind boggling that republicans don’t see that … and you speak of hypocrisy…

Kyle Robertson It’s up to the masses to weed out the false information. It’s not that difficult to prove lies as being lies or misinformation.

Also, just because some Nazi has an account and spews hateful ideological rhetoric, that’s not you handing out the fliers. If you’re there to counter their rhetoric with facts and logic, that’s you tearing up their flier. Will they change? Probably not, but it’s not impossible. More importantly, people who may be leaning a certain way could take counter arguments to heart and change their direction.

You ban that Nazi and you completely cut off any chance at showing someone who isn’t so far gone that it’s the wrong path. Instead they may seek out the dark corners where the banned are banished to, and there they get a big heaping dose of rhetoric without any counterbalance. Anyone who spews hateful rhetoric is going to be outnumbered by the rest of us, by a large margin.

As for bots/scores of accounts, I agree it’s a problem and better technology needs to be used to weed them out. Bots need to be banned via hardware bans, not just username or IP address. While that is still not iron clad, hardware bans are more difficult to get around. A combination of better bot detection and hardware bans would go a long way towards quelling the “mob” effect of bots.

David Scherrer and yet all those people are rallying for him … you claim that democrats lie constantly when you’re putting a man on a pedestal who’s a brilliant liar , a poster child for liars , that he really believes the lies he says to be true in spite of documents after documents that proves they’re complete lies …. Wow … you’re favorite words are blithering idiots when you’re really describing yourself … just like the way trump name call people when the reality is ,,, he’s the conman , he the one who should be locked up …. He wants to be back in power so he can avoid prison … he wants to be a ruler not a president… if you can’t see that , you’re a blind blithering idiot …. You probably think , the inflation is caused by this administration… it’s not, the entire world is going through inflation… it’s caused by the Russian war against Ukraine and the result of the trade war Trump started with China that made China raised the cost of their products … the kicker is , while the democrats are all trying to find ways and solution to the inflation, all the republicans are doing are blaming , whining , being negative and not bringing anything on the table to help the economy… why is that ? Fascism is more dangerous the inflation… democracy won’t survive with fascism but it can with inflation … believe what you want to believe , I’m not here to convince,I’m sure at the end of the day , we want the same thing , peace , unity , freedom and hopefully respect among each other … I can only hope that I’m on the right side when future history reveals the real truth…. Lastly … Biden inherited a spiraling down economy from Trump while Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama … I
So before you start talking about the economy , let this be a reminder .

Even if Trump's Twitter account were revived, I doubt he would repeat his old remarks. Because Trump himself has experienced the power of Twitter firsthand. We are all learning common sense, moderation and consideration for others in making better use of Twitter, and in order to maintain a certain degree of deterrence against social media, corporate compliance will be enshrined in law. I think most people probably understand that there is a need. We feel we have to be gentlemanly towards these social media beyond our respective positions. Gentlemanly in this case is nothing but our wording and attitude, but the social media side has a responsibility to provide "the place", and the spirit to take responsibility for serious incidents that occur on social media I think is absolutely necessary. I am always grateful for your help. Amen

Adrienne Maffett Are you using being gay as an insult? That’s not very progressive of you, and of course you result to typical insults rather than to continue to refute what I’m saying. I’d dare say I’m not the one embarrassing myself by advocating for the open and free exchange of ideas, regardless of what they are, which is how things actually used to be.

I’m also assuming you’re referring to Trump, who I didn’t vote for either time and generally dislike due to his personality. He had some policies I did agree with, but I’d prefer he didn’t run again, he’s too polarizing and his ego and narcissism are far too much.

Michael Dietrich and by the way, who are you to decide whats true or not true or what is facts or fiction. Frankly, I'm not sure if there is a "truth" that anyone could agree on. Everyone seems to claim "their truth". But facts are different. Facts can easily be proven with evidence, not just because sonebody or many somebodies say they are facts but because of undeniable evidence. For example, the right has been blaming a group that they refer to as Antifa as being the leftist version of the Poor Boys or other well defined right wing anarchist groups. And yet I continue to ask guys like you to tell me who tbey are. Who are tbeir leaders, where are they located, how can they be contacted? Name a member of this entity that you guys call Antifa. Show proof of life. An arrest warrant, a police notation. anything. I'll wait

Cynthia Katsarelis I've heard the right and the left go back and forth claiming the other has become more extreme, but there are some important nuance here I feel that is often missed. The classical left and the classical right haven't moved much. But now we have extremes on both sides: 'leftists', and 'alt right'. Both are arguably as toxic as the other.
The alt-right has moved further right, no doubt. But leftists have moved extremely far left. And leftists seem to not only outnumber the alt right, but are also far more active, vocal, and influential. Leftists also occupy more positions of power, such as college professors.
Most of the classical right quickly condemn the alt right, and don't respect them or take them very seriously. But a concerning portion of the classical left seems to silently condone leftists extreme behavior and ideals, making it the much bigger problem in my opinion

10ºOn the one hand, I'm like okay he signed a thing but then Twitter didn't make good on their end, so how is he being forced to buy Twitter right now? He's just an investor, guys, calm down. He doesn't make cheap cars or everyone would have one. He doesn't follow through with any of his promises. He is another Trump, and for those of us who see through him to those of us who don't - do not let this man's comments about politics or anything for that matter get in your head. He is a pro Russian trump maga rethuglican and it's disgusting the amount of people who give him credulity. Because he bought a car company.
