Nike suspends relationship with Kyrie Irving

Nike is suspending its relationship with Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving, the company said in an emailed statement to CNN


Stop worshipping celebrities, athletes, movie stars, only fan people, etc. this is an entertainer, this person doesn’t actually contribute to society. My hats off to those who do, but majority celebrate their fame, they do and say what they want, and don’t care because they think rich means zero consequences for actions. Sorry but Trump being elected totally created this culture. And to be clear I’m not a fan of cancel culture. But hate speech, or actions in todays world can create violence. Oh, someone goes out and kicks in my name, but I didn’t tell them to do that. Yes you did, and as much as people need to grow up, they haven’t. If your words, if your stance causes negative and violence, then you are responsible, and if you loose money and endorsements because of it, that’s on you. You deserve to loose your career.

Which is more harmful: the opinion of a man paid to bounce a ball expressed over 8 days ago OR a the damage caused in 1787 when the US Constitution was ratified and for nearly 80 years it was legal and acceptable to only count three out of five humans THEREFORE telling the some they don’t COUNT. This compromise was agreed upon to leverage POWER. It took a Civil War to remove this provision from the constitution but I’d argue this inheritance has been passed down for ages. Instead of healing the true ills of America we get distracted by a guy that gets paid to play a child’s game!

People who didn't walk the path of the oppressed or whose identity was lost for hundreds of years will never understand.
All other communities know their history and doesn't have identity issues. Money isn't everything and he is standing his ground on principle and not fear. If it was the reverse you would have done the same unless it's all about the money for you. I have walked away from multi-million $$ deals and I'm contented with my decision.

Like the Phoenix he'll rise out of ashes and rebuild his life knowing he has the support of the majority black community and the good whites and should he decide to create his own brand I'll be the first in line to invest in it.
The world is watching how we are treated and they're taking notes.

It’s too bad he’s such a beast. Private orgs can do what they want. It’s all about money. Oprah has not yet denounced Dr Oz cause she made him. NBA needs all people to like basketball. Kylie needed to keep his pubic opinion and learn the financial game. Freedom of speech comes with backlash especially with the internet. Plus you can’t tarnish the brands you work for. Don’t forget the commish of the league is also Jewish. Don’t care what he said he gotta be smarter than that. He also not the smartest dude at the table but thinks he is. Just a thought.

I'm Jewish. I looked at what the "documentary" claims about the Holocaust. I'm starting to realize how far removed the American public has become from the history of atrocities done by Nazis in Europe. It might be a geographical issue. In Europe there a lot of museums and memorials. Family members and descendant still remember and have photos and stories of their relatives passed down generations. There is not a lot of it in America. It's so easy to be in denial. Here is something else: this player should not have been suspended for free speech. This is not how I'd want to deal with ignorance. This is an educational opportunity. Disappointed with how it was handled.

I have no real dog in the fight. I believe in freedom of speech as well as a business to function how it sees best fit. Sometimes and often times those two aspects aren’t hand in hand nor see eye to eye and since there’s a third party, his immediate employer and platform provider, which has to take accountability for its employee. My question is, if this is what the media is “reporting” and pushing in our face, what’s not being reported? Surely, there’s got to be something going on in the world more important than divisive rhetoric so close to mid-terms. #2cents

What a load of BS. I just googled it, read blurbs on there and still don’t know what the guy said. There’s no such thing as “hate speech”. There’s speech people hate to hear, but need to get over it, not control it. There’s Antisemitism, another form of “hate speech”, which again people need to get over, not control it. No company or institution gets to decide that their opinions are more important and the only “right” way to think and form an opinion. No one says you have to agree with someone else. But controlling what people think is going way to far. And throwing weight around because you have control in monetary value make you look even worse.

Franklin Strum you’re obviously missing the facts that Kanye is back on Twitter and on Instagram. But isn’t that the conservative motto: “feelings over facts.” Companies distanced themselves from Kanye because of what he said. Kyrie Irving did not say anything as egregious, but it was still enough to get a 5 game suspension, as well as the NBA being called on to suspend him indefinitely.

So people who are arrested should not be allowed bail? You know, something that courts decide upon giving.

You’re yapping quite a lot, yet always forgetting that those who caused the January 6th riot on the Capitol sought pardons from Trump before he left office. To simplify that for you, they wanted to commit a crime and not be held accountable for it.

Matthew Gomez You are whatever you believe you are. Why would someone saying that cause harm? What would it stop? Why would the world want to hurt them because of that. If your not hurting anyone physically there is no reason. There have been many who have considered themselves Jews for many years. What have they done against the other group? You mentioned the Nazis a group who tried to eliminate a race of people. This doesn’t seem to be the same. I don’t hear anyone talking about harming anyone. It’s sad people can’t have a respectful dialogue. If Kyrie meet with people from the Jewish community. I hope they can have a respectful conversation between each other and get more of a understanding of each other.

10ºValerie Warrington OK! You win! Moronic statement! You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time! FOH! Fooling yourself and the low IQ individuals! worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his or her beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don't make sense... There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not. When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quiet are worth more.
