Tourists held by Peruvian indigenous group protesting oil spill will be released, says official

An estimated 150 tourists, believed to include American and British citizens, were traveling in the Peruvian Amazon when they were taken


Those indigenous people have been living here in Malaysia for generations even before the independence of our country however they are not granted citizenship which is supposed so under UNDRIP. [1]

They are discriminated against by society. They have no employment as locals would not want to hire them without any valid documentation. Those stateless people mainly work as beggars or collecting leftovers from the garbage.

They often run into trouble with the local authority, their villages get demolished at a large scale basis [2], their boats were confiscated as unregistered [3] (only locals would be able to register their boats), they have been deported to other countries even though they have been here for many generations [4], which caused extreme difficulties to other family members if they were the sole breadwinner.

They have no access to healthcare. They would be neglected if they end up in hospital as they are not able to pay. Some have passed away because of that [5]. On a weekly basis there must be at least some people passing away due to treatable illnesses.

No education either. Hence most of them are beggars and always discriminated against. It is considered a humanitarian crisis. Putting it all together, the race of "Bajau" or better known as sea gypsies would never get out of this vicious cycle even for many years to come.

A letter to Ms. Majorie Taylor Greene,

Ma'am, I hope this day and those days, from here on out greet those days with a golden sun and sparkling twilight.

My name is Dwight and I come from a long of European descent as far back as 1535 in Switzerland. My line also, Dutch, English, German, French and Cherokee Indian. I am proud of my family line and what the history of finding our past, taught me. I am inclined to say that what my line had been part of in the past, That, is not who I am, and neither should the rest of you, be the past. What is to be commended is the resilience of the Indigenous Tribes of America when the Savage White Man from Europe is always circling their wagon train.

Europe was there for America during Desert Storm and after 9.11.01, in the war on terror. Europe didn't have to be, but there Europe was, right beside us. I take serious offence to your attempts at wanting to defund Ukraine, a nation of NATO and part of the history of the founding of the United States of America. You spit on the very foundation, the very blood, and tears that built this nation and paved the way for and your freedoms. Most Americans should take offence, as I do.

Ms. Greene, you often talk about freedoms and liberties, the Constitution and gun rights, but you then turn and want to defund a nation fighting its own liberties and freedoms, its own values, their own Constitution. You want to defund their right to own and possess firearms, the right to bear arms and protect their lands from a foreign invader. What does that tell the world about the United States when nations look to a for new model? That help would never come or when, at a critical moment in a war, funding was stopped. How can you stand there and talk about gun rights and values of Democracy when you want to deny Ukraine the same rights?

I ask, in the most seriousness, cease your attempts at defunding Ukraine. Because all you are telling your voters is, Democracy really doesn't have any value in the land of your ancestors and that our connection to our European past, is for nothing. That the sacrifices made by so many from NATO countries, those who gave their all, in the past, to make certain our freedoms were secured in the blessing of liberty was for nothing?

I hope this letter finds you in a comfortable mood.
Dwight M. Dwight Huth

P.S. Bon Chance Ms. Majorie Taylor Greene.
