Nick Cannon gets trolled by Ryan Reynolds over baby No. 11

“We’re gonna need a bigger bottle.”


Just to be clear, I don't condone this situation in the article, won't help much in the way of the "traditional" family unit perceived to be per the past but, it's none of my business nor do I care as it's their problem in the possible future.

Yes, if I "survived" my childhood then I am happy and no one gets to tell me how I measure things, much as I don't to others. If this situation works, then who are any of us to make judgements? And if it doesn't, then those directly involved will suffer.

Cee Smith, you wishing sterilization on anyone is no better than the current abortion debate raging.

Estella Christi I believe that the difference with the Duggars, and NO it wasn't a good thing with them either. But the difference regardless if you want to see it or not is that, The Duggars was 1 man and 1 woman. Meaning that they were husband and wife living in 1 house hold. NOT multiple women living in multiple house holds. He cannot be the type of father those kids needs, I don't care if he can afford to pay child support or not. It takes more than money to raise kids, it takes effort, it takes, supporting the kids by going to their activities, and being in their lives.

Kevin Joseph who is saying these kids will not be loved? Just because it's not your idea of a family doesn't make it any less!
These kids may grow up loving their life and all their family!
Nick takes care of them and from what I know men are known to dip out on their offspring all the time! I celebrate a men who loves and takes care of his children! Let's continue to argue about how bad our foster care system is and all the deadbeat parents who walk out in their children!
Lots of issues in the world but Nick Cannon is not one of them!

Well Sew ya royal oats Nick Cannon ~ buy a mansion and give all them chicas and their babies a stable father time mkay. They all stand in line to have your baby dont you think theyll get along well enough to live with you and each other. Do it. Put it on a network and show us what a great Dad you are on a daily to ALL your seedlings. Let me know the network so I can have my son watch it and see what NOT to do in his future. Oh and if they all live under yo roof u wont even have to pay any child support. Son you better buy a village

When THEY made Nick cannon apologize that was part of the deal to keep his show… They told him that he is to announce every child so that it will perpetuate A stereotypical image of brothers… Must’ve been the rabbi that he had on that’s a part of that… They’re good at making brothers look bad all the way since the minstrel shows that they put us in back in the early country to the television and record industry of today… him announcing his children was part of the deal… With the devil that runs the music industry television industry and banking system… Think about it… Never announce one child until They made him apologize… we are uniting With the truth

God ,Mick Cannon needs more then 24 hours in a day to be able see his all his children? Are all these mothers who have children with this Man stone Mad? They must know that they have to be prepared to bring their children up on their own ? Because I don’t believe that anyone can be in so many different homes at the same time, This is not all about money with Micky Cannon? He’s got lots of money , So why does he want to impregnate so many Women? Why does he Have so many children around the same age? He’s not going to be able to spend time with them individually ?especially in their formative years?
Mr Canon it seems to me is a self-centred narcissist ? 

Angel Mcmasters Have you ever worked or volunteered in the foster care system? They are kids, it doesn't matter if they are rich kids, so we dont' need to worry, they have the same desires, why doesn't mom and dad love me, why won't they spend time with me, am I not important enough to get their love? is something wrong with me that they don't want to spend time with me, and they have to pay someone else to do it. Those kids are not rich their dad is, Money cannot raise a kid right, and money cannot love a kid.

Angel Mcmasters he’s sick. Somebody need to be concerned about their children. Since they obviously are not. If Nick was an average man with an average income these money hungry women would run in the opposite direction.
We all know why they are repeatedly allowing him to impregnate them. It’s not love. Especially not love for the children.

But you like those women are so blinded by his fame & fortune that the obvious is escaping you.

Like I said someone needs to be invested in “Their children’s” lives because they aren’t.
I’m for all children rich & poor. All of them need more than money. But according to you. Money is a cure all.

An absent parent is an absent parent. Rather that parent is rich or poor. The scars are still the same.

Foster children aren’t suffering do to their lack of resources. They are suffering do to their often absent parents.
But that’s a conversation for mature grown ups. Have a good day. Bye
