Permanent Daylight Saving Time will hurt our health, experts say | CNN

Are we putting our trust in an unhealthy, outdated idea? Not according to the United States Senate.


Idk. I see both sides. If standard time became year round, we'd see summer sunrise at like 3am or maybe earlier where I live. But if DST became year round, sunrise would be well past 8am in the winter.

Perhaps adjusting HOW we change the clocks might be a better idea. Most people are off work weekends. Most. So spring forward on a Friday night so you get two days off work/school to adjust. Fall back on a Sunday so that extra hour of sleep happens the night before the first workday.

Just a suggestion of course, but that's one way we could improve it.

Diane Dahlhouser Wisman Oh lighten up. It was a joke. Goodness to be this uptight. If you want to take insult to it, then that is your problem, not mine. I am not sure what issue I am being ignorant towards, but OK...Here let me make it better since I seemed to have upset you so much...

I am SO SO sorry that I hurt your little feelings. Now that I know you are so offended I will make it a point in the future, to continue to do so. Thank you, and please have yourself a good day now

"For example, if Daylight Savings Time is made permanent, the sun won't rise in some parts of Montana, North Dakota and Michigan until after 9:30 a.m. on the days with the latest sunrise" https://datainnovation.or...atest%20sunrise. "In Colorado, permanent daylight saving time would result in sunrise not occurring until 8:00 a.m. between the end of November and the first week in February thus many children would be going to school in the dark during those weeks." https://villagerpublishin...20those%20weeks. So, kids will going to school in the dark, waiting for the school bus in the dark. A friend who lives in a small mountain town wonders about wildlife. Heck, even deer can be dangerous. How many more fender benders on the way to work?

Luke Webb -My little dead end road that we’ve had to fight to get the potholes filled for the last 50 years, just got repaved. Along with many other neglected roads in the county. Thank you Joe Biden and Democrats for your infrastructure bill. Our rural county in northern Michigan just got the County Sheriff 5 new police cruisers, an evidence/emergency trailer, body cameras for the officers and security cameras for the schools. All from the American Rescue Plan that Joe and the Democrats gave us. Every Republican voted against us having this stuff. This county would have never had this stuff without raising our taxes. This is exactly what is supposed to happen with the tax money we send to Washington, come back to the communities for things like this, not buy weapons of war or send money to Bangladesh for flood relief. That’s what republicans do with our tax money.

Kevin Stratton : The argument advanced by Klerman and certain other so called sleep experts opposing permanent daylight savings time is NONSENSICAL. Why? First things first. The number of normal wakeful hours (16), whether in standard time or daylight savings time, are of course the SAME even though the number of hours of sunlight varies according to season. Now, in our Northern Hemisphere, regardless of time system used (standard or daylight), our experiece of sunlight during our wakeful hours would, in both cases, be UNBALANCED (i.e., our experiece of sunlight in either case would not fall between an equal number of hours without sunlight) in that we will wake up to sunlight or, during the dead of winter, to only a brief period of darkness and go to sleep after having experienced several hours of darkness (after the sun has set)! So, if balance has any real significance at all, neither system is superior to the other in this regard. It's the CHANGING back and forth from one time system to the other which creates maladaption of the wake-sleep cycle! These supporters of permanent standard time are omitting from consideration the psychological benefit of experiencing more sunlight during wakeful hours under permanent daylight savings time and the positive effect this psychological benefit is likely to have on general health! The author of this article suggests, without substantiation, that moving to permanent daylight savings time would be unpopular with the majority of Americans and mentions that this system had failed in the past! If the concern is young school children waiting in the pre seven a.m. darkness for their school bus, schools should not start that early in the first place because it would require them to go to sleep too early the night before in order for them to get eight to nine hours of quality sleep! Let's finally move to permanent daylight savings time and disregard cries from certain organizations who don't represent the majority of us Americans.
