Live updates: Midterm election results and balance of power in Congress

Control of the Senate and House still hangs in the balance. Follow live updates here:


It is said that all politics is local. Asperation or lie? Personally , i do not believe that anyone who does not live and pay taxes in the municipality, city or state and has for the previous 6 months should be permitted to interfere in any way with any political campaign eirther as a donor, a campaign manager or helper, a proponent or influencer of any kind. DeSantis, Biden, Trump, Obama, nor anyone else should be permitted to interfere with an election for which they are not running or a resident of a state that they are supporting a candidate. As much as I hope the people in any state will choose wisely, what happens in another state may affect me, but is none of my business. The only exception should be President of the US. Its time to get dark money out of politics. Let Walker and Warnock fight it out based on their own
