Kherson official confirms city is "almost under the control" of Ukrainian forces

The withdrawal is one of the biggest setbacks for Moscow since the start of the war. Follow live updates.


Russia loves Ukraine people's .. they are the stern part of the russia before divided s. Union, then what happens world knows..
All become relegious countries.. or under them..
Russia never like to guide people's in this way.. especially Ukranian peoples...
So, the fight happens between these since 2014..
And the crisis reaches yet..
With a country like china (never relegious basis) russia co operate and alliance made of these matters.. and it's goes well..
US and EU need to learn from this.. not only nation's crisis that happens inside .. but also the international matters that goes on the present stage..
Mm.. liberty is love of god and humanity .. it's never harms..
But UNITY is the strongest thing that's to be needs to maintain well in the present matter and ever...
Relegion was a grace of people identify with nation , if it goes nonsense will be stands there..
