Live updates: Election results and balance of power in Congress

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Adam Kasson I'm not going to list all of them out, However you seem to want to challenge one aspect of an entire argument.. However i see you're going to make a comment about they deal with election forms. And can choose how they are counted and if they are right or wrong. Which to some extent they can. but case law proves you wrong. Next youre going to ask for that case law, I'm not going to provide it as you won't provide any case law to support your side. So if you can find something that states they can throw away entire mail in ballots that are legitimate i'll listen. But if you bring up Fraud just going to laugh at you and pretty much ignore you.

Della Ashton Buchanan that's what they tell you and what you believe. You clearly don't know the facts. Inflation was 1.4% when resident Biden took office , in December it was over 7% BEFORE Russia invaded Ukraine and now it's over 9%..The # trumpderangement syndrome will continue even when gas gets to $10 a gallon. They' still believe it's Russia and say... well Europe and the whole world have high gas prices well you know what we live in America and Europe has always had high gas prices. The fact is the global Democrat elites want our prices to be high like Europe to push us into their green new agenda, what they call the liberal world order exact words t of one of Biden's incompetent officials. I watched an interview that's been floating around of Obama at some type of economic forum stating that very thing that he desired for the United States to have higher gas prices to force everyone into green energy those words came out of his mouth and it's the agenda of this failing Administration. They can't hide it from the people anymore

Thomas Anjeanettebumbling Biden who supposedly won 81 million votes as he campaigned from his basement and currently has a 75% disapproval rating is suddenly boasting about losing the House and Senate and is continuing all with this extreme agenda. Red tsunami in Florida they don't allow all that ballot harvesting mess and have voter ID no mass mail ballots and have millions of residents and find out the night of who won. I'm an independent, the Republicans flipped quite a few seats and did very well at the local level. only in these blue states do you have to wait weeks and months after for this Mass mail mess

TA Results of the Arizona audit:
There were over 50,000 fraudulent votes so a half truth is a lie, the count in Arizona was right but that was including bad votes, fraudulent vote, deceased people voting and the media never put in that important part. In Arizona 74,000 unaccounted for Ballots with no record that they were ever sent, over 4.000 people registered to vote AFTER the court ordered deadline, thousands of DUPLICATED ballots with no originals matched to them, 6% of signatures unlikely to match but the County accepted them all. If you look at the tally sheets of the so call recount in Fulton County 100 to nothing for Joe Biden 250 to nothing for Biden, those batches alone were a problem. And these 4 or 5 states were the only states where there were problems and that effected the integrity of the National election. And that's why there should be a FORESNSIC audit.

Adam Kasson that’s so cute that you think I hate anyone. Calling out the bs doesn’t equate to hate. The only thing y’all can run on is hate. You hate everyone that aren’t Christians. You hate every race andand ethnicity that isn’t YT and European. You hate gay and trans people for just existing. You hate education. You hate books. You hate tax breaks for the non wealthy. You hate the little people that aren’t republicans having more income. You hate children after they’re born unless they are easily manipulated to behave exactly like you. You hate everyone else’s “sins” while you think only yours will be forgiven. You hate facts. You hate your own neighbors. You hate accountability unless it’s your enemy being held accountable. You hate socialism when you drive on public roads and love police. You hate everything that is different.

Jmr Jared it depends. If they met the parameters to not have to pay it back then they don’t have to pay back. You see the only thing any of this is is proving is that the government should not be giving American citizens money. They should not be giving American businesses tax breaks. They should be supporting in America first, building here and a fair taxing plan and that means even the 40% of people in this country who don’t pay federal taxes need to be paying something to contribute. If you want to live here you need to contribute on every level. I just blame the wealthy or save the wealthy owes everybody everything. The reason businesses leave this country is because they can get cheaper taxes it cheaper labor cost in another country until we become put competitive with that you all are gonna sit here and complain that you don’t have enough money to live. Pay back your college loans you took the loan pay it back

Jmr Jared Again, you only show how little you understand life. So you are a brainwashed liberal Democrat who thinks that businesses are charities and they’re here to make your life better for you instead of you making your own life better. Got it. You just keep proving my point over and over again. There are people who get up in the morning and make their life they want it to be and then there are people who mourn and complain that it’s not what it is and somebody owes them something. The second group of those that I just mentioned are the ones that never go anywhere in life because you’re waiting for someone to make their life happened instead of making it happen themselves

Dave Messierhmm let’s stay on topic bud. You said the student loan forgiveness was to buy votes okay and trumps Muslim ban was the same thing then? A federal judge shut that down. Trump literally said Mexico was going to pay for the wall that was the main thing he was about remember?

What do you want? A wall! Who going to pay for it?Our taxes dollars should be the chant. Having Mexico pay for the wall lol that’s promising free money. You don’t see that Mexico paying for a wall that US wants to build haha. That’s was trumps big promise that he failed in btw free money from Mexico to build a wall

Never said any of that don’t even know what you’re talking about haha. Very sensitive I see can’t even stay on topic. I don’t want loser rallies for any candidate either democrat, republicans or green. You lose, you lose take it to judges lose there oh well move on.

Having loser rallies is like losing the Super Bowl and attacking the refs because your team got less points

Jmr Jared It’s called getting a job and go to work. And if you don’t like your job and what it pays and it calls advancing your skills or your education so you can get the job that will pay you what you think you’re living wage should be. That’s why boomers have what boomers had. Cause we got up and went to work. And we took the extra shifts. And we work more than eight hours a day. And we love the overtime because it helped our financial situation. It helped raise our families. We work together to make things happen in our family. We have families that actually stuck together and help each other. So you can keep on blaming boomers for your problems but your problem is you don’t want to get up and go to work and put the effort in to make your life what you want it to be. Do you want everybody else to solve your problems and to make your life work. That is on you

10ºAdam Kasson You've made zero points. You've made zero challenges. You attempted to bring up what a office does. You haven't even conjugated an argument or rebuttal. You then went to insults by calling me a coward, Fact you probably never served a day in your life. Then you go to "running your mouth," to "cheating or incompetent." Again further proof you're trying to parrot election lies. So did i miss anything out? You asked about the Secretary of State so you could Segway into election law. Am i correct so far? pretty sure i am if you're already on insults.. Next you're going to tell us that the public official can choose how elections are counted including if they can deem a ballot correct or not. Again are we close? Then you're argument was going to go into "how do we know those ballots are real?" am i hitting the nail on the head so far? Come on kid don't be a muppet...
