The biggest wild card in the climate crisis | CNN

This is the biggest wild card in the climate crisis


DEMOCRAT CLIMATE CHANGE: new unusual species of mammoth size gas blowfish discovered 22 miles north of Germany Russia gas pipelines that were blown up last month by the democrats. Billions of tons of harmful gases were released into ocean and atmosphere.

Scientists call the new species the “Biden Pipeline Blowfish”. The species can blow gas flames like godzilla up to 3 meters.

Europe is now considering to harvest the species for fueling europe this winter but fear democrats will put an end to that too sources say.

CNN refuses to comment on the environmental impact on the destruction of the gas pipelines.

The truth is that even if we disappear and stop the emission of greenhouse gases, the warming will continue, albeit at a lower rate, because the climate system is inertial and with feedbacks supporting the current trend. One of these positive feedbacks is precisely permafrost and methane hydrate reserves in the oceans. The warmer - the more greenhouse gases, and the more greenhouse gases - the warmer. Vicious circle . A great extinction similar to that at the end of the Permian and the beginning of the Triassic is coming. Someday this will happen because today the sun shines stronger and even if there are no people on the planet, it is enough to wake up one of the supervolcanoes like Yellowstone to release enough greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Earth will end its life as a hot inferno like Venus long before the Sun completely engulfs it in a few billion years.
