18 students, driver injured in Kentucky school bus crash, officials say | CNN

A school official says 18 students and a driver are injured after a bus crash in Kentucky.



Earlier in the year Dems said their gun legislation would end mass shootings, those of us with brains knew that was BS and the legislation did nothing. Why isn't CNN talking about that and how usoess Democrat policies are, Dems took victory laps and praised themselves for it and it does nothing. CNN will talk about this for a day and it will go away because it was a black kid and not a white kid as the shooter, just wait and see. FYI if other people on that bus had been legally armed this wouldn't have been nearly as bad.

Sharon Hartman Bailey I was in a bus accident when I was in elementary school. It was absolutely terrifying. The children who were sitting scrunched up with their knees and shins up against the seat in front of them were the only ones not injured. (Difficult to describe if you’ve never sat like that on a bus )
The biggest concern with seat belts is that there’s only one adult (who may be incapacitated) to help all of the children out of their seat belts if their is a fire or the bus is submerged. It has been an ongoing debate for years. It’s a tough decision because there are scenarios where either way could be safer or more dangerous.