New York Times: Trump sought tax investigations of political foes | CNN Politics

Among the people Trump wanted to “get the I.R.S. on” were former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, onetime White House chief of staff John Kelly told the newspaper.


Steve Marchiol The result from the GOP lead Senate was that Trump's cronies voted to keep him in power. That doesn't make the investigation a hoax.
Trump's people are attempting to rewrite history by relabelling that. But it's not the case.
Mueller found over 300 connections between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. While he (in an exceedingly narrow and hobbled investigation) was not able to get to the heart of whether Trump knew/directed those things, in order for you to believe Trump was out of the loop, you'd have to believe he was extremely gullible, uninformed and led around by his underlings during his campaign.
I'm not opposed to you holding that low an opinion of Trump, but even I don't find him to be that much of a stooge.

I heard that Trump, who was a Dem, has always been a Dem operative who went in to destroy the GOP from the inside. He gained their trust and then grifted and took from them all the resources he could while at the same time exposing all the extremists, white nationalists and hate groups for the Feds. Now, the Dems have rooted out the Deep State of the GOP and Trump will return to the Dem party the hero that he always was meant to be. God brought Donald to destroy the GOP, expose them, grift them for all they had. Or something like that...

Pamela Gibson Unfortunately, there are compassionate, responsible, competent leaders & incompetent, vindictive, selfish leaders. We always hope that our leaders are the good ones, especially in a democracy where we choose our leaders. Sadly, there are a couple wolves in sheep's clothing that are able to convince some that they provide leadership that will protect and meet their needs and eke through the cracks. Then, they resort to the brute force and power abuses that characterize their insecurities. We obviously have some ways to go to make the country a more perfect union. Slow and steady with a focus on what is important in a democracy will be crucial.
