Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan says Trump has cost the GOP the last three elections | CNN Politics

Republican Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland said that former President Donald Trump has cost the GOP the last three elections and it’s past time to reassess what’s important to the party.


Are there signs that some Republicans are beginning to resist Trumps insanity?
●●● In a democracy, there must be opposition, but when opposition degenerates into a dictatorship, then danger is imminent!
Trump has split America.
️ He doesn't like people; he thinks of them as just voting idiots who can't think for themselves. He is looking for a right-wing, radical, violent person from the lower class who doesn't think, but instead acts.
Furthermore, he may have learned that from the speeches of Hitler, which he loves to read. (1999 Vanity Fair, Ivana Trump †).
Trump is only interested in the dictatorial power that benefits him and a few of his militant members.

Mandy Mestizo I don’t deny the dobbs decision was a big factor (even though republican slanted polling repeatedly claimed it wouldn’t be), but considering how bad Biden is polling and the nature of midterm elections in general there should have been a red tsunami, but there wasn’t. Exit polling indicates the democrats had an edge that they shouldn’t have had. Also, as hogan indicated, in 2018 and 2020 there was definitely an anti trump element. 2018, like typical mid term elections, was a referendum against trump and the Republican Party overall. In 2020 trump lost in states where downballot republican candidates did quite well.

they lost because of trump but also because they plan to end SOCIAL SECURITY!!!! Also because they ended a woman's right to choose at the federal level, their refusal to tax billionaires and corporations, their attempt to overthrow the United States Government first violently on 1-6-21, then with their vote on 1-6-21, their support of trumps lie that the election was stolen, they voted against housing assistance for veterans, they voted literally to end American Democracy by giving republican secretaries of state the right to arbitrarily throw out any votes they want just to name a few things. And folks they are not changing their tune on any of this. Be vigilant and vote Democrat!!!!

The GOP still doesn't get it. Trump is the symptom of what is wrong with their party. He's not the reason they are broken. They stopped having new ideas back in the 1980s. They have clung to the culture wars to gin up support, because they have nothing to offer Americans. They keep rolling out trickle-down economics in new packaging and since it broke the economy back in 2007, no one is buying it. And then they deny science and technology at every turn. They don't want to roll-out broadband across the USA leaving large pockets of the populace behind the rest. Even if you ignore climate change, the reality is that we need renewable energy, because at the present rate of consumption, the world will be out of oil in 50 years. They have no ideas for the future and all they have is hate and fear and that is why their base loved Trump. This is a problem that the GOP has been building for almost 50 years.

Copied from my friend Jim West.

IMPOSSIBLE: Despite Only 17% Democrat Turnout on Election Day – Katie Hobbs and Democrats Are Winning Over 50% of Maricopa County Election Day Totals

Mail-in Voting is Mail-in Fraud.

People wanting to rig elections want Mail-in Ballots, and do not want voting in person, where you have to show your ID.

The problem with in person voting is simple...

Dead People can not vote in-person, and show their ID.

People that live out of state cannot vote in-person, and show their

Voting with someone else's name is not easy, when you have to show your ID.

You don't have to show your ID when you mail a Mail-In ballot, so it is easy to fake being another person.

Fake People that do not exist can't vote in person because they don't exist.

People wanting to rig elections want Mail-in Ballots.

Our Elections are being won with "ballots", not "votes".

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Are we closer to nuclear Armageddon than any time since 1962, as Biden suggested?
Two Key West, Fla., girls focus their attentions on U.S. Army soldiers setting up anti-aircraft missile launchers on a beach in Key West, Florida on Oct. 26, 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. (AP)Two Key West, Fla., girls focus their attentions on U.S. Army soldiers setting up anti-aircraft missile launchers on a beach in Key West, Florida on Oct. 26, 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. (AP)
Two Key West, Fla., girls focus their attentions on U.S. Army soldiers setting up anti-aircraft missile launchers on a beach in Key West, Florida on Oct. 26, 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. (AP)

Madison Czopek
By Madison Czopek
October 10, 2022
Louis Jacobson
By Louis Jacobson
October 10, 2022
Experts largely agreed that the U.S. and Russia have not been this close to nuclear warfare since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

But there have been other conflicts since 1962 that raised global nuclear risk.

It’s not every day that an American president warns of nuclear disaster and draws on Biblical imagery to do so. But President Joe Biden did just that Oct. 6 when he told Democratic donors the threat of "Armageddon" is higher than it has been in decades.

"We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis," Biden said at the New York event. "We’ve got a guy I know fairly well; his name is Vladimir Putin. I spent a fair amount of time with him. He is not joking when he talks about the potential use of tactical and nuclear weapons, or biological or chemical weapons, because his military is, you might say, significantly underperforming."

The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 was a roughly two-week period when the Soviet Union moved nuclear missiles to Cuba, not much more than 100 miles from U.S. territory. Before President John F. Kennedy and Communist Party First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev calmed tensions, millions of American adults and children had well-founded fears that they could die in a nuclear exchange between the superpowers.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether Biden was warning that Russia might use nuclear weapons, breaking an international taboo that has held for 77 years, or whether he was saying that such a nuclear strike by Russia would spiral into a nuclear free-for-all and global destruction. Experts have said that the use of "tactical," or battlefield-based, nuclear weapons would not necessarily set off a civilization-destroying conflagration, though it would cause many more limited problems.

Either way, Biden’s willingness to broach the subject of "Armageddon" set off alarm bells. The New Testament describes Armageddon as the place of final battle between good and evil. The word is often used to describe a final conflict that would end the world.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made several statements about the amount of force he is willing to use and has suggested that nuclear weapons are not off the table.

"If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will without doubt use all available means to protect Russia and our people — this is not a bluff," Putin said Sept. 21.

During a Sept. 30 ceremony in which Putin moved to annex four regions of Ukraine into Russia, Putin said Russia would "protect our land using all our forces and means at our disposal." The annexations followed elections that international observers widely derided as shams.

Experts in nuclear policy told PolitiFact that they thought Biden had a point about the nuclear risk level as it pertains to U.S.-Russia relations. Although the Cuban Missile Crisis is the best-known potential nuclear faceoff in the two countries’ Cold War history, experts added that a number of other conflicts have created heightened global nuclear risk, not all of which were publicly known in real time.

The White House did not respond to PolitiFact’s request to elaborate on Biden’s comments.

Greg W Holland Sr. - So whαt hαs h℮ don℮ to tµrn yoµ αgαinst him? If yoµ mαk℮ yoµr s℮l℮ctions bαs℮d on whαt som℮on℮ hαs sαid yoµ will hαv℮ mαd℮ mαny s℮rioµs ℮rrors. Whαt som℮on℮ hαs don℮ is mµch mor℮ importαnt. I woµld tαk℮ a strong ℮conomy, strong bord℮rs, a strong militαry, th℮ low℮st µn℮mploym℮nt nµmb℮rs for 'all' ℮thnic groαps, all ag℮ groµps and both g℮nd℮rs. W℮ w℮r℮ ℮n℮rgy ind℮p℮nd℮nt µntil th℮ cµrr℮nt αdministrαtion. If yoµ conc℮rn yoµrs℮lf with m℮αn tw℮℮ts or oth℮r things thαt som℮on℮ sαys, yoµ αr℮ missing th℮ most important things αnd will h℮lp s℮nd this coµntry down th℮ drαin.

Hogwαsh! Fr℮℮dom is th℮ b℮st policy. No gov℮rnm℮nt policy cαn mαtch it. My m℮ssαg℮ to αll thos℮ who f℮℮l 'µnd℮rprivil℮g℮d' is to g℮t off of yoµr dµffs, g℮t a job αnd pαy yoµr own wαy. Th℮r℮ αr℮ mαny µnfill℮d jobs on th℮ mαrk℮t cµrr℮ntly. Tαk℮ on℮ αnd ℮αrn yoµr own wαy. If yoµ wαnt α b℮tt℮r job, th℮r℮ αr℮ pl℮nty of wαys to qµαlify yoµrs℮lf for on℮ of th℮m. Th℮r℮ αr℮ t℮chnicαl schools for n℮αrly ℮v℮ry bµsin℮ss in th℮ coµntry. Mαny of the trαd℮ µnions hαv℮ αppr℮ntic℮ programs to pr℮pαr℮ thos℮ withoµt ℮xp℮ri℮nc℮ for good pαying jobs. Th℮r℮ αr℮ nµm℮roµs compαni℮s who αr℮ short of work℮rs αnd αr℮ willing to prepαr℮ n℮w ℮mploy℮℮s by OJT. Don't wαit for gov℮rnm℮nt 'polici℮s', progrαms or hαndoµts. Bµild yoµr lif℮ on yoµr own. Yoµ cαn do it!
