This CNN Hero upcycles old computers to open new worlds for young Kenyans | CNN

Nelly Cheboi is bringing technology to young people in her native Kenya. Upcycling old computers, she provides the tools and education for brighter futures. You can help Nelly become the next CNN Hero of the Year. Vote now for her or any of the other Top 10 CNN Heroes at


i'm a black Democrat, i like Trump, he didn't do anything wrong, but take the Republican party away from this war mongering {Yale University Skull and Bones Men group} they are on both sides, they control George Herbert Walker Bush, and his son, they say they are apart of the group, who really know's {on the Democrat side they had Bill and Hillary Clinton Obama, and how John Forbes Kerry the real power behind the democratic party, they say he is also part of this group} with George Walker Bush, in fact during there debate in 2004 the Tv panel ask them both about this group, and they said it so secret that, then George Walker Bush said {it don't matter who win we are both doing to do the same things} if you people listen to politic the right way way after, because what they did 15 years ago still have effect on whats going on today


member this lady had her son killed in the war and he sat out side of bush ranch for weeks trying to ask him why are we killing people
