As rich nations haggle over climate solutions, storm-ravaged Caribbean is taking matters into its own hands | CNN

“All my neighbors said I was crazy for getting the solar panels. Now they’re sitting in the dark. It was the best investment.”


Christina Rottën The problem is that we do electricity completely wrong now in this country. Everything still is based on 120 V like it has been for the last 99 odd years? 90% of what people use in the 21st-century doesn’t require anything close to 120 V. Most people use LED lighting and that doesn’t require 120 V. Your LED lightbulbs actually have all kinds of electronics in them to turn 120 V into something like 12 V. Tablets phones televisions all that stuff could run on something like a car battery. I bet even refrigerators these days could probably be designed to run on half the amount of power that they’re plugged into. It’s because we continue to run the grid like it was run practically in Edison’s day. We could probably save billions of dollars if we reconfigured the amount of electricity that goes into homes down to 1/4 of what they are today. Of course what this really is about is money in peoples pockets not about being practical or environmentally friendly or economical to the homeowner. People will drone on about politics and other crap but in reality everything in this country is about money into someone’s pocket that comes out of our pockets. So the solution is actually very simple the question is do we all have the will to change and embrace the 21st-century and get our heads out of the 19th century.

Steve Zadorozniak well lets see. Sheer size is and actual consumption per household is a massive difference. Most American houses will need 6kw minimum system plus batteries to go off grid. Less developed areas have a much simpler demand. My 10kw system was 31k not a lot of takers on that. I also still need the grid if sun isn't strong on a given day. Caribbean sun is better then Iowa sun where I live. Americans cut consumption first then things get more real. No 5 tvs, 3 refrigerators, or a hundred computer devices running at all times. I still run propane heat too because electric heat is nothing great.

Scott Liberto True but that’s because we still run everything off 120 V power like we did when Thomas Edison was still alive and we don’t need to do that anymore. Think of how much stuff is actually stepped down into double digit voltage. These new flatscreen TVs don’t need 120 V. This isn’t 1965 anymore but we power everything like it still was. Imagine if houses could be rewired to run off of 30 Volts DC. Why do we keep doing things the way our great grandparents did? I have a vacuum cleaner that runs off of a battery and is lighter and as powerful if not more powerful than anything I used to use from wall power.

Droughts etc are caused by loss of forest for meat pasture. Rainforest also doesn’t grow back since the nutrients are leeched by rain and the sun bakes it into brick.

The 2010s were cooler than the 2000s. It’s another excuse to bypass laws and act like a dictator.

If you want to save the planet, stop eating animals (meat, fish, eggs).

The biggest threat to the world is meat. There is no avoiding the fact that people will have to eat less of it. People couldn’t even afford it if big Agra didn’t lobby Congress for subsidies. Same in the UK and around the world: meat isn’t cheap they hide the real cost to tax payers.

The future is plant-based or there is no future.

Animals use up a lot more resources than nutrition returned as opposed to directly eating and using the water for cattle etc. Stripping the earth of greenery also leads to disrupted weather patterns leading to droughts, higher temperatures as during the dinosaur age with inland seas 60-plus mya, when the poles were green. Most forest is destroyed for cattle the greatest threat to the planet. Overfishing is a so similar and fish feel suffering. Meat is overrated most flavor comes from sauces which are all plant-based. Most of our diet is plant-based and always had been.

Most rainforest indeed most food grown goes to animals which is a horrible return on nutrition. Most plant foods go to feed cattle, pigs etc. That’s why 10% of America going vegetarian would end any world hunger. Your numbers are also off. An acre of land can produce 900lbs of grains on average but only maybe 150lbs of meat. It takes thousands of gallons to make one steak. There are 70 billion animals a year killed and trillions is fish. You can imagine what it takes to feed such a huge animal population. Humans are only 8 billion.

Cows are large mammals that consume huge amounts of food/water. It is estimated that a staggering 925 million humans around the world are suffering from the effects of hunger (mostly in the poor and underdeveloped countries of Asia and Africa), and out of that original number, 870 million are affected with malnutrition. Those original 925 million actually outnumber the combined populace living in the United States, Canada, and the European Union.

People don’t have the instinct to kill animals. It’s not the food their physiologies were meant for.

The fact that humans freeze and have no fur proves that’s an unnatural environment for them. It’s why Eskimos have worse health the more they rely exclusively on meat. Humans are meant to live in tropical climates where fruit and leafy greens are abundant. Mostly Neanderthals lived near the glacier borders and they didn’t survive well there. The environment is hostile to humans. We barely have any covering like fur. We have to artificially resort to clothing.

Plant-based diets are better for the earth too. Most Hindus and Buddhists were always predominately vegetarians (no meat, fish, or eggs). The staple of the common European diet has always been predominantly grains, fruits, vegetables. Modern diary is demonic as they say and part of the holocaust but maintaining and utilizing milk is perfectly fine. Cows can graze on rough land not suitable for growing crops and turn it into nutritious food. Milk has b12 is a complete protein, has vitamin d (good if you can’t get sun) etc.

It’s arbitrary to say humans can’t drink cows milk. No reason not to. You can stigmatize it but milk is literally food produced for nourishment similar to a fruit’s skin, since the fruit wants to be eaten to spread the seed (the seeds themselves can be toxic since they don’t want to be eaten. The fruit flesh is just a temptation to animals).

The leading cause of any global warming is due to loss of rainforest to the cattle industry. Peak warming periods were from 1920-40 and again in the 80s. Neither period was one of industrial expansion, but both saw vast reductions of forest area and, in the 30s, areas under cultivation. That’s one reason why there were no frozen poles millions of years ago when the earth was much more temperate and barren.

The 2010s were cooler than the 2000s. It’s another excuse to bypass laws and act like a dictator.If you want to save the planet, stop eating animals (meat, fish, eggs).

There are over 50,000 edible plants. You may be surprised how many species of land are actually edible and extremely nutritious. In fact most people could survive from the wild plant life growing outside their doors (

Overpopulation is another canard. Once a population reaches 80-90% urbanization, demographic levels flatten out or even decline. A hundred years ago half a million people died due to climate. Today it’s 99% less and the population meanwhile quadrupled since then. So we aren’t dying of climate. Pollution and environmental destruction is certainly an issue, but so-called Global warming is another pseudoscience canard to steal your tax dollars and lock you down. The original covid. Even if a few degree increase did occur due to mankind it’s not the end of the world by a long shot (of course no one wants dirty air etc). We are in a cooling period in a slight rescind from the Maunder Minimum 400 years ago ending circa 1750, one of the coldest periods of the last 10,000. A few centuries before that we had the medieval warming period when temperatures were several degrees warmer. During the Dark Ages we had a cooling period, and a greco-roman warming before that. Then another cold spell during the greek dark ages and a warming era a few centuries before that, the Bronze Age minoan/Mycenaen warming before that.

The earth’s climate is always vacillating up and down by several degrees. That’s why politicians buy mansions at the edge of the coast.

Meat industry: Greatest environmental destroyer

The global scope of the livestock issue is huge. A 212-page online report published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says 26 percent of the earth’s terrestrial surface is used for livestock grazing. One-third of the planet’s arable land is occupied by livestock feed crop cultivation. Seventy percent of Brazil’s deforested land is used as pasture, with feed crop cultivation occupying much of the remainder. And in Botswana, the livestock industry consumes 23 percent of all water used. Globally, 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to the livestock industry—more than is produced by transportation-related sources.
And in the United States, livestock production is responsible for 55 percent of erosion, 37 percent of all applied pesticides and 50 percent of antibiotics consumed, while the animals themselves directly consume 95 percent of our oat production and 80 percent of our corn, according to the Sierra Club.



Runoff from factory farms and livestock grazing is one of the leading causes of pollution in our rivers and lakes and groundwater.


Humans are frugivores like gorillas:


Hare Krishna
