Adderall users struggle amid ongoing medication shortage | CNN

It’s a problem that affects a growing number of Americans.


Chelsea Marie that’s why it is important that they learn to manage their condition rather than medicated management skills last a lifetime medication is temporary and it runs out and it’s expensive. Just ask yourself what did people do before there was medication I’ll give you the answer I’ll answer my own question here they live with it they learn to manage it there’s people throughout history that had both ADD and bipolar disorder they did just fine we can only diagnose them based on an account of their personality but there was a lot of people Alexander the great may have had bipolar disorder Joan of arc she may have been bipolar Albert Einstein severe dyslexia and ADD just to name a few. These conditions have always existed but the pharmaceutical industry attached names to them to sell drugs I don’t know about you but I ain’t gonna let them have a dime of my money they don’t deserve it

Chelsea Marie I also have bipolar disorder as well you are not alone. I’ve trained myself to manage my issues trust me you feel a whole lot better you’re able to function better but with ADD you have to learn to set a schedule for yourself and with the bipolar disorder you have to learn to recognize both your highs in your lows. When you come off your medicine try this at first only take it during the weekdays or when you’re at work but during your off days don’t take it at all that will help to train your body to manage without it but I haven’t taken medication in years and I do very well

Debbie Mueller Stennett you have no idea the severity of my ADD you could ask my mother and she would tell you. I’ll go ahead be real with you and tell you what it really is that is because I’m stronger than you I have taken the time to educate and train myself to live with ADD also I have bipolar disorder to but I put the work into being able to manage and function and here’s the tip you have to learn to use ADD to your advantage if you do that you will discover that you have a higher brain function than the average person but you’re just wired different. The trick is that you often think about several things at the same time using that to your advantage is great because if you’re in a job position that requires you to be analytical it’s great you can analyze every little fun detail there is but I’m just saying. 
