Kyrie Irving to miss 8th consecutive game as team suspension continues | CNN

The team has not said when Irving’s suspension could end.


Andrae Dual big dreams Andrea. You sound like one of those mad scientist on the cartoons. “We’re gonna take over the world” lol. You seem to have alot of hate towards white people. You think that’s what will fuel you to the top and take over the world? Na. You got to understand being racist towards anyone isn’t cool. Many whites have been canceled for it. He isn’t above the law. He just plays basketball for a living. Very replaceable. If u want to help people out the hood, this is a great opportunity to give someone the chance that isn’t racist. Boycott for that.

James Don Murphy they don’t have to do any of that… They’re doing it to themselves… In the year 2045 the country will be predominantly POC as predicted by their experts, as well as ours… None of that will be necessary… All of the institutions and government will be flipped over to represent what the country actually looks like it won’t be just one group of people running it anymore… there will be a new Congress senate and supreme court that will be flipped to represent what the country looks like That is the future and that is the way God designed it

Philadelphia Eagle football player Riley Cooper was caught on tape saying the N word and threatening to harm Black people at a Kenny Chesney Concert and he wasn't cancelled nor was he pressured to pay a huge fine to the NAACP and forced to meet with Reverend Al Sharpton. Former Green Bay Packers Quarterback and NFL Hall of Famer Brett Favre stole $8 million from mostly poor Black folks in Mississippi in a welfare scam scheme and he hasn't been thrown out of the Hall of Fame nor has he lost all of his endorsements. Podcaster Joe Rogan said the N word for years and wasn't cancelled. Racist white Jewish conservatives Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager spew anti Black racist tropes all of the time and they haven't been cancelled. NBA president Adam Silver met with Kyrie Irving and stated the following “I personally… have no doubt that he’s not antisemitic.” Yet, Kyrie Irving was suspended without pay, he lost his Nike deal and he is still being compared to Hitler on social media for simply posting the cover of a historical documentary. It's all hypocritical.

Sean Michael Negro Slaves were already circumcised when they arrived in North America. This male circumcision procession involved spear-bearing warriors and musicians with drums leaving from typical West African houses. In the section where this image appeared, Astley was describing Mandingo peoples referenced from the Upper Guinea Coast. He explained how "all the Mohammedan Negroes strictly practice circumcision, a ceremony performed around age of 14 or 15" (p. 298-299). Thomas Astley (d. 1759) was a British bookseller and publisher who never went to Africa. His imagined localities and illustrations of Africa were informed by a library of travel books at his disposal. Source: "Circumcision of the Negros", Slavery Images: A Visual Record of the African Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Early African Diaspora, accessed November 17, 2022,

Andrae Dual Africa is a continent not a race. Race is a false ideology...but, North Africans have appealed to the Census Bureau to be described as their own separate race than south Africans. And no matter whether you read a history book, or a religious book telling different versions of the same places, the people were still described differently. Israel is also not part of Africa, even though Egypt is, but Syria where Abraham's and his family came from is not even close to Africa. If your view is racist or race superior it's wrong by your own texts. But if you or your child is ill some day, 99.9% of DNA of a person in Africa is the same as 99.9% of the same as in Asia, Australia, North or South America and Europe just the same when the doctor tells you an eligible donor you need is ready are you refusing if they ate pork, bats, shellfish, or how their complexion and hair look? If so, you deserve what you don't get, but a child wouldn't

Jesse Atkinson you’re talking about “theory’s” and “concepts” no real historical facts. Many Jewish people can trace there ancestral background by genetics. Jewish culture is passed down from generations and many even secular Jewish people practice and celebrate these holidays. What happen to the 12th tribe? No traditions at all? You need to understand the history of Israel and the necessity for the state to recognize it’s importance. AIPAC doesn’t care about any foreign policy outside of protecting the state of Israel which for reasons you don’t understand protests American interests and citizens around the ME and the world. Technology, Medicine , intelligence, etc.

Jeffrey Jackson exactly. They won’t go after Amazon because of the money. The could do that to Kyrie because he is a small fish.

He being under NBA contract to play ball, but he has the right as a citizen to watch a documentary and share it if he wants.

I’m sure there isn’t any thing in his contract saying he can’t post anything that isn’t harmful to anyone.

I washed the documentary and it isn’t harmful to anyone. It’s mostly facts.

The producer of the film did quote Hitler, and that’s where the problem is knowing what Hitler did to human beings.

Shaun Perdue  I’m a follower of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan…  we all follow the rule as Malcolm X stated.  Never trust anyone with advice that doesn’t look like you…  they normally don’t have your best interest at hand…. It’s laughable at the attempt to try to explain something that people weren’t included in except for the part where they murdered Jesus Christ   and to attempt to explain it to a man of God, and a follower of the Honorable Minister, something biblical in which we master… move along… What we speak is the truth
