Elon Musk unbans several controversial Twitter accounts, but says not yet on Trump

“New Twitter policy is freedom of speech, not freedom of reach,” Elon Musk said



Jacqueline O'Connor Why do you think that? Twitter wants free speech. Is that a problem for you? You don't want to hear everyone's opinion on how they feel about the politics going on? You just want to hear one side? Which is what Twitter has done in the past. Censored everyone who disagrees with the Dems. . Now at least, whether you like it or not, everyone has a say. It's a good thing .Dems aren't the only ones with a voice of what they want the future of America to be like. It's time to stop all this nonsense of censorship and disinformation. Let Americans decide after they hear all the facts of where the future of America should be heading. Why do you think the country is so divided? It's because, no one knows what the truth is, and they just listen to their preferred network and platforms. All of them bias, and will put each other down. Yet people will swallow what they say hook line and sinker. Do Americans even have their own minds anymore? Like maybe investigate the facts from fiction? I don't think so. They follow the Party they support like it's the Gospel. Truth does not matter anymore! This is why America is going down as a Nation. Citizens care more about the Party they support, then their own fellow citizens or where the nation is heading. Anyone reading this, who thinks America can't fall, they are wrong. History proves it all the time. Great Nations can be destroyed, and it always comes from within!

Pete Cato I wasn’t, but others were upset because the two tweets that led to his ban were listed as inciting violence, which neither were and one of them even told the rioters to, “go home”…

Here’s the two tweets that got him banned;

“The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”


“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

There’s no incitement there, especially when you apply the Brandenburg test that comes from the Brandenburg vs Ohio SCOTUS ruling, but again, they’re a private company, and they get to decide on who uses the platform, not me…

On Wednesday, conservative Twitter users berated Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., for claiming that the solution to America’s declining birth rate was to grant a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants that are currently in the country.

Many reminded Schumer of the irony that he and the Democratic Party support abortion yet are complaining about low birth rates and looking to absolve illegal border-crossers to solve that problem.

Speaking to the press outside the U.S. Capitol grounds, Schumer declared, "Now more than ever, we’re short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to."
Kills our babies but wants from other countries

John Watson My goodness the left is going totally nuts worrying about Elon Musk and his platform . You should all be happy about free speech. What is the problem? Everyone has a voice that should be heard. I don't care what Party you support. . Seems the Dems don't like for everyone to have a voice unless they agree with the left. He's getting rid of censorship. That should make everyone happy. Unless you are afraid for the truth to come out? Like people on both sides should embrace this. After all it is for all Americans benefit to know what is going on as far as politics is concerned! Just embrace it people! You'll all will just take from it what you want to believe anyways.

Smiling .
Twitter is worth more than $44B because of my Tweets.
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