You know the economy is hurting families when they stop buying baby clothes

Gap and Old Navy said Thursday they’re now seeing less spending on babies’ and kids’ items


#GapAndOldNavySellLessBabyClothes CNN News. 18th November 2022.

Under furlough payments at 80% of wages in pandemic, people did family planning because Bill payments failure means looking for weapons and drugs.

Recession, Ukraine oil ban by EU to Russia and increased food prices are reducing real worth of full wages for people back at work to about 80% of value compared to pre UK sacked chancellor Kwarteng as Business Secretary decision to raise minimum wage and ban Oil cars by law.

By continuing these Policies proven to fail and driver exam as low as 31% pass, with roadside tickets , people are responding to lower Real Terms income by putting off having children.

Get your children AFFORDABLE with the Toyota Prius hybrid fuel electric self charging car Less fuel, more miles and American Manganese 100% battery recycling with tree planting Carbon Offset. Better than a Bike for Baby

People with babies and children have not stopped buying and getting childrens clothing. They are just not paying top dollar retail at corporate retail stores. The fact is more people are lower middle class or poor and shopping at thrift stores and or receiving childrens clothing from some church organizations.
But Even some upper middle class are shopping at thrift stores. When families have to rely on thrift stores, food banks and religious organizations for food and clothing yet every teen and adult has a job and is working you should understand this is crony capitalism eating itself and everyone else with it. The greed and selfishness of the rich and wealthy is soo disgusting at this point. Keep turning your head the other way and ignoring the progressive policy proposals that should be put in place but are not. And it will only get worse. If you are upper middle class stop following the propaganda of rich people. Stop blaming poor people for being poor.
