Newly identified flatheaded dinosaur lived on island of dwarfed creatures | CNN

Its bones were unearthed in a spot that has been a hotbed for dinosaur discoveries.


Still haven't located the Garden where humanity came to be at on Earth. The Garden could have been a traveling space orb that protected humanity.

After all, every single creature on Earth, other than humans, are born able to defend itself, partially at one year and nearly full at 2 years. But can a human infant defend itself at 2 years old? Nope.

This leads me to believe that humans might not have been from Earth and the Garden referenced in the Bible and other texts was more some a space orb that selected on Earth and allowed transport of humans from another planet to Earth. The orb would have protected early humans which allowed humans to take as long as 16 years to develop the ability to defend itself.

It's where the wild things are.