Antonio Banderas thinks Tom Holland would be a great Zorro in a reboot | CNN

In the age of reboots, revivals and prequels, Antonio Banderas is sharing thoughts on who would make a great choice to follow in his masked footsteps as the legendary Zorro


Mark Oliver, I’m sure Tom Holland could pull off Spanish just as well as he pulls off American.

If people were strictly cast to their national origin or ethnicity then a lot of movies would have been cast differently.
There are many English actors who play American roles and any period piece that was set in a particular region would require someone from that area.

This would mean, by your standards, that Zorro would have to be cast by a Californian of Spanish decent, because Don Diego Vega was a California Spanish noblemen.

California was a part of Spain, at the time of the fictional story.

Your standards would ruin casting and hamper the casting of “people of color” for any new period piece.
You’d be hard pressed to see any new film from WWII that would have actors that represented the national origin of the people represented in the films.
