How Donald Trump is helping Raphael Warnock in Georgia | CNN Politics

"Trump’s unpopularity is potentially keeping voters from casting a ballot for Walker," writes Harry Enten | Analysis


Scott Price May want to touch up on your history. I think you have been a little mislead. The KKK was formed by Nathan Bedford Forrest who fought against people like Ulysses S. Grant who was a republican. My home state of WV was formed against slavery and started out with a republican government and conservative roots run deep in our mountains. We later had a democratic senator, Robert C. Byrd, who was a grand wizard in the KKK and was also friends with people like the Clintons. The democratic party thrives on segregation. In fact, just about every case they create it so they can claim to stand up for the "little guy" or the "minority". In reality, they actually care very little for the people they claim to support. They are after the power and money that stance provides them at the expense of their naive supporters.

Scott Price I feel from the era that you and I are talking about is more on the lines of Libertarian and Conservative debate. I think during that time just about everyone had some sort of conservative foundation. In today’s landscape JFK could be a Republican. During those times it was a debate for individual rights as a libertarian or the rights to preserve what we had for future generations. Obviously over time it has favored individual rights. If you follow the Bible, some of these changes were necessary while some missed the mark. In my beliefs, this is where the debate should be on who is right or wrong. After all, we are one nation under God. To your point, my original post I did not mention a political philosophy. I mentioned the Democratic Party which has taken the liberal ideology hostage and ran so far to the left with it and has completely jumped off the edge. There are schools in my area who had to put litter boxes in the bathrooms because some kids identify as cats. At some point sanity has to intervene. That is why I suggested the Democratic Party is garbage to the point that I would be ashamed to have a (D) beside my name.

Scott Price that is what makes this nation great. You do you and I’ll do my thing. Though I do not have any issues with diversity, I do not hang my political stance solely on it. No doubt American politics have evolved over the years but I cannot bring myself to vote Democrat, I can not for the life of me understand the ideology of liberalism, especially in today’s political atmosphere. Their mindsets and thinking just seem unrealistic to me, not to mention not rational. Also, as much as I want to say the kitty litter thing is not true, sadly it is in a school not too far from where I live.

In Jesus name
“When you write a report on a book you never read”
Like Raven from Teen Titans
Night changes but my brunette & Hazel eyes didn’t
It’s embarrassing to say I’m in a category of baseball couples
Always cover the tab on food
Bejeweled navy dress
Theme of Matthew McConaughey’s
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
Lanier Health class volleyball Riley Davison
(K*ll stats)
Halsey’s Without Me
“It’s a long way to the top of you want to rockn roll”
There’s a few levels of nets before rock bottom
“Catch you if you fall”
Dr. Ashleigh Petts
& I’m BASE jumping
Beauty for ashes but even I didn’t think it’s a phoenix
My problem is I want as many enjoyable lifetimes in my lifespan
There’s reasons why I don’t go on dates to sporting events
I’ll cast a spell on someone special
B*tches be like I would do this for a guy
“Well I know we don’t have a shot”
Texas Cultured Commercials globally
“We Want Houston ️ “
In Jesus name amen

Will Lamb there is garbage in the Republican Party too. However, the democrats are the ones who think it’s alright for a kid to identify themselves as a cat and put a litter box in a bathroom for them. They also think a 4 or 5 year old kid can make their own decisions to have a genital mutation surgery. They also think that ANTIFA burning down cities is free speech but consider conservatives trying to speak about Hunter Biden and the Big Guy’s treasonous dealings (not to mention the pedophilia) on his laptop misinformation and hate speech. Then team up with Twitter and the FBI to sensor the news from getting out to help “win” the election. I could go on and on. The Democrats are garbage as well as several republicans along with CNN. They are all thoroughbred turds.

Josh Peters I attended catholic school for 12 years. I’ve had my fill. Good luck to you… we will not see eye to eye on much. Remember God tells to treat the foreigner with respect. We don’t have an open border, but our immigration system is so mucked up I fear it will never be able to help those in need. Climate change is science and the US military is taking it seriously if that’s any help to see that it isn’t communism. I not a fan of the student loan forgiveness… I’d rather it be 0 interest rate. I also don’t think each graduate should pay the same. We need more teachers and councilors in schools but they don’t pay well enough to draw the best to the professions.

Scott Price it is the extremism on several topics. I put my faith and beliefs in the Bible and liberal stances are contradicted several times throughout the word of God. I also know throughout history the Republican Party was based off liberalism and throughout time it has migrated to the democrats. So for me to say I disagree with everything is probably wrong. I will not go into some of the topics I disagree with, but since you know my faith you should already know some of the key ones. Some others I disagree with is climate change, I feel it’s a Ponzi scheme and communism in sheep’s clothing. I also disagree with open boarders and allowing illegal immigrants to just waltz right into our country. I also disagree with socialist programs like the ACA and this student loan forgiveness Biden is pushing. Those are just to name a few.

Warnock is a Lunatic Radical Fanatical Liberal Left Democrat that supports dangerous radical agendas that are detrimental to minorities as well as all Amerians. He worships with bigots and antisemites; he is against families, oil production in our country and he supports insane spending. WAKE UP VOTERS; IF YOU KEEP ELECTING PEOPLE LIKE WARNOCK, THINGS ARE ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE. DEMOCRATS HAVE DONE NOTHING TO HELP AMERICANS, THE ECONOMY, FUEL PRICES, OR COST OF FOOD. Democrats support Iran's government instead of the protesters trying to shut down the tyranny. They are using the DOJ and FBI as political hit squad..........

I was at an Aldi today. 2 ladies behind me talking abot stolen election and Biden, trumpets. I start bagging my things, one is doing same next to me, while talking to herself. I walk out and the other one is parked near me. I load my things, I put cart with the quarter in slot in a spot for another person to use. The trumpet lady, walks over w her cart, gets mine and proceeds to take them to where carts go. Iam just watching from my car. She takes my quarter, she takes her quarter and walks to her car and drives away. At that moment I understood the trumpet. Sad

10ºKathi Schuster Wallace Trump destroyed the economy, by not acknowledging Covid or seeing it as a threat. Our economy has grown leaps and bounds under Biden, and is still strong. And news flash: EVERYONE in the world is dealing with inflation, etc., and has been. There is more to the world than just the US, and we're an interdependent global economy. It has nothing to do with the president, but with the greedy corporations jacking up prices (and making record profits, which proves they don't need to raise prices), ongoing supply chain issues, and yes, the pandemic which is still going despite all the deniers' wishes to the contrary. Stop spouting Repub talking points, aka fake news, and read up on the actual facts.