Casey Anthony shares her version of events in a new docuseries. What you need to know

Casey Anthony is back in the national spotlight more than a decade after she was acquitted in the killing of her 2-year-old daughter.


Jordan Russell I feel like none of that could possibly cancel out the actual recorded 911 calls where she admits she had no clue where her daughter was for over 30 days and didnt report it to the police because she wanted to find her on her own. She even says on the phone call that a nanny abducted her. Then,when she got her new attorney,the one who represented her for free because he was sleeping with her (this was admitted by him years ago),she changed her story to put all of the blame on her father,who was completely unsuspecting of this,judging by the recorded meetings she had with her parents in jail. He clearly had no idea where Kaylee was,and even after she was arrested and Kaylee wasnt found yet,her parents are clearly oblivious. She then randomly came up with sexual abuse accusations against her father,at the exact same time she came out with these accusations,a technique commonly used as a defense,to ruin the character of a witness,and in this case,a possible new suspect. I've watched so much footage of this case. There are way too many signs pointing to her for it to all be coincidence. And the story about her dad coming out as soon as she got the new attorney? That may be coincidence,or finding your voice for some,but not for a pathological liar. She had to make up an entire string of lies to make her story as believable as possible,its what pathological liars do. So many people who knew her came out and said she had always been like that,and constantly made up elaborate stories that most people just pretended to believe.

I watched the trial. All of it. This happened where I lived in Orlando. We watched it all unfold. There were many searches by police and the public here to try to find her daughter. If she didn’t kill her, her father did. They all pretended she was taken.
I’m sorry I will never forget that fact that she was out partying while others desperately searched for her daughter. I know people on many separate occasions who saw her out having a great time at the bars while her daughter was “missing”. I have no desire to hear what she has to say

Melissa Secor before I watched this, there was no doubt in my mind that Casey killed her daughter. After watching this, I’m not so sure. Did she lie? Yes. Did she act like an idiot for the 31 days her little girl was missing? Absolutely. I guess what made me question it all is she has worked for one of her own lawyers for 10 years. Her defense team has become her family. Would they all really be that close to her if she really did it? I have a hard believing so. I just still don’t know. You are right, we will never know.

Funny she says she didn't Start to remember her father molesting her till she was in jail and claimed she started to dream about it but then towards the end she goes on and on about how she hated being home w her dad cause of what he did and she knew to protect her daughter and she was desperately wanting to leave the home cause of her dad blah blah blah... but I thought u didn't remember any of the abuse u blocked it out?!?
I think she has lied so much that she really believes it now.
You held your daughters lifeless body yet u didn't call 911 and then say u believed she was alive and ok?!?! Puhhhlease the lies!

I am not in a rush to watch the series or documentary or whatever the gimmick...imo there is no excuse why Caylee died. Any person with a heart would have gone through hell and back to sacrifice in order to keep their baby alive, healthy and to be successful. That baby girl should have turned into a 15 years old teenager, Alive and breathing. There are accidents and there are "accidents " Caylee doesnt have anyone to speak for her because she's passed on: but Shame on every individual that knew what the right thing to do was but didn't want to take accountability, including both the parents. I just can't bring myself to see it because if they truly want to redeem themselves, a movie isn't going to be the enough to convince me.

The truth is that a lot a minors are been sexually abused by their own parents or a family member and sometimes they don't know how to speak out because their are been threading or they are afraid. This case is a perfect example of that, and of course, people are to fast to judge without knowing what really is going on in other people's life. I believe this situation was an accident and they try to cover it up until they were not able to do it anymore. How really this little child die would be known at the appointed time.

I am shocked at the number of gullible people falling for her bs. This was a one-sided documentary and she wasn't challenged. Of course, she's going to double down on her lies. She'll never tell the truth. Yes, her family is creepy and dysfunctional but her story makes zero sense.

I will always believe she killed her daughter, either purposely or through neglect. She lied about Caylee's whereabouts for 31 days while she went out dancing and partying. While her baby lay dead in a swamp she got a tattoo that said, Bella Vida. The trunk of the car that she abandoned smelled like human decomp. She lied to the police about where she worked and went so far as to lead the police through a maze of hallways, saying hello to people she didn't know, pretending they were her coworkers before finally hitting a literal dead end at which point she had no choice but to admit she didn't work there. She made up Zanny the nanny and accused this imaginary babysitter of abducting her daughter. Nothing that woman says is the truth.

I watched this. I always thought she had "something" to do with it. But she had YEARS to fill in blanks and use media clips to supplement her stance on her dad. But - what I thought was still weird in this documentary was she STILL says she saw her child in her father's arms and then she "doesn't remember anything else" - much like Jodi Arias and her version of "going blank" or a "fog". SOMETHING took place in that "fog". If she was protecting her daughter, and leary of her father - why would she just assume her daughter was going to be "Okay" with her father? Nothing makes sense and I'm sorry I watched it.

For those of us whom remember the trial and hung on every shred of evidance ,seen and not seen by the jury, we know she did it and got away with it!
While she was out partying and getting tattoo's, " Bella Vita" while her daughter was missing and or dead??
The women is a narcissistic, sociopathic liar looking for attention, fame and or money!
If her father molested her there are new laws that would have allowed her to hold him accountable and make sure he never hurt another child. Why has she waited this long?
Botton line, she is a pathological liar!!!!!

10ºIt's upsetting to see how many people believe her. Maybe that was her whole point in doing this, to appeal to people who were too young to really get what happened. She said her dad had her wet and heavy and cold but then says she doesn't know what happened? All the times she was alone with the police she couldn't tell them her dad was' forcing her" to live the life she wanted without caylee? She trusted him enough to live there and leave caylee alone to go party? I said from day 1 when I heard Zanny the nanny it was Xanax. She was afraid a toxicology report would come back and show how she was really being babysat and actually died
