Уничтожение Т-64БВ ВСУ в н. п. Новосёловское под Сватовом, расчёт ЗУ С-60 НМ ЛНР подавляет пехоту ВСУ под Лисичанском, ночная работа российской РСЗО «Град» по скоплению сил противника в ДНР, российские военные медики оказывают помощь пленным ВСУ в зоне СВО, операторы БПЛА НМ ДНР работают ВОГ-17 по п



People out there are arguing on the date of the birth of the Lord Jesus the Christ of Nazareth.
Nobody knows the exact date that the Lord Jesus the Christ of Nazareth was born.
The closest that I can remember from my youth is that it was either the beginning of Winter or the ending of Winter.
Traditionally January 6-8 (when we celebrate the coming of the Light) but Rome changed the Calendar to December 25.
WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS THAT GOD, THE LOGOS - the creative logic of God became flesh through the Virgin Mary, by the God's Holy Breath of Power (the Holy Comforter - the Parakleitos).
Hew grew up fulfilling every requirement of God's Laws and HE went about doing Good.
HE fed the hungry, HE healed the sick, HE freed people from demons and HE raised the dead.
He was illegally arrested and without any evidence against HIM, HE was condemned and HE was tortured with the whip.
HE suffered physically and emotionally.
HE bled and HE died on the Wooden Cross of Golgotha.
On the the THIRD DAY, the FIRST DAY of the week HE AROSE VICTORIOUSLY as THE LORD lords and as the KING of kings.
HE is my Redeemer, HE is my Healer and HE is the ONE who permeates me with God's Holy Breath of Power - the Holy Comforter (the Parakleitos).