Vaccine fatigue is leaving the US vulnerable to flu

The flu season ramped up early in the United States this year, but vaccination rates are far from keeping pace.


the flu vaccine used to be from a live virus, I would check before I took it, I believe there is one that is not. I am not anti vac but I believe in knowing what you are taking. The shingles vaccine is one I will not take. They saynthat there is a side effect of Gullian Baree (spelling) and claim it is a mild muscle weakness. That is total bull chit. I have taken care of patients with it. It causes a paralysis starting at the feet and progresses to your neck. doc's usually keep an ET tube at the bedside in case you can no longer breath

Madison Maragh doctors don’t know everything and no doctor would say that they did. But they do know more than you or I.

And even products developed by private companies are the product of objective science. The iPhone I am typing this on is the product of privately-funded objective science. If the engineers at Apple weren’t doing objective science, this thing wouldn’t work.

Vaccines are the same, and they are tested using peer-reviewed research. They have been approved to the same standard that any other medicine is. Clearly, that threshold is effective. Human life expectancy has risen greatly over the past century, which is proof that medical science is valid. Results are results.

The vax isn’t a ordinary vax. They don’t stop you getting covid. Or passing it on. And it is a lie to say . It is milder if you have the jab. And it stops you going into hospital. The survival rate without a vax. For kids 0-18 yrs old is 99.997 percent. Lowering slightly in age groups. To the elderly 70 plus 95 per cent. Without underlyning health issues. The damage your immune system. They are unlicensed gene treatments . Still on trial until 2023. Except Pfizer who brought their end of trial date forward 18mths!!!!
Read the book the Real Anthony Fauci by Kennedy Jnr

Well, let’s see social media networks allow for misinformation and disinformation and fear to be spread across the globe and of course everybody has this and it’s called ignorance and we are super lazy and doing any research other than copy and paste on things that we want to read in here they’re basically says I should need to take a vaccine Plus for all the self entitled people who felt like that they need to socialize and get together are also the ones that are allowing the virus to mutate spread because hey, we have to socialize and because of all that misinformation and disinformation is spread around these particular. People are not understanding why they’re getting sick and even some of those people are not understanding why they’re in a hospital bed with tubes down this road and her about to die And whoever reads this they’re going to say I’m just spreading fear, but I’m just gonna say this famous saying. Actions speak louder than words to all the people who say I’m spreading fear. Why don’t you go tell that to all the people all the millions of people that have died of Covid, go tell them that oh that’s right they’re dead and many of those people they were on their deathbed asked at the last moment if they could get the vaccine and the hospital said the vaccine won’t do anything for you and those people died. And because of the misinformation and disinformation that was allowed to be spread, and the exhaustion of so-called lockdowns on some of the first world countries, they are so exhausted they want to get back to normal but there’s so many people out there going on like why am I sick? How did I catch this? Why do I have this lingering cough that doesn’t seem to stop why do I have the sniffles it don’t stop And I’m taking all the meds that I can to stop it but it still keeps on coming back, all of this is our own fault, we can’t blame government. We can’t blame the CDC. We can’t blame the world health organization because all these groups have all warned us for the past three years, and they are still continuing to warn Us, it’s basically the general population who is tired fatigue, who are getting sick again who are spreading viruses around who are allowing the virus to mutate and again the misinformation and disinformation that is spread throughout the social media networks is making it easier for everybody to catch something, so continue the way we’re going Not only is this Covid going to mutate but other things are going to come along and they are going to attack us because I remember this I’m gonna kind of do a reminiscence here there is some doctor or maybe a nurse who is on the platform of everybody should get vaccinated or everybody should wear a mask or everybody should social distance themselves, and he made a video where he was saying that Covid is like a robber that comes into your body and eight it doesn’t kill you when it does it search out in your body from pre-existing ailments, and either turns them on or turns off the defence is for them but here’s one step further. What if Covid when you catch it and let’s say yes you’ve got the vaccine or no you didn’t get the vaccine but it opens up it says he it’s like a robber robbing your house but instead of the robber robbing your house he comes in or she comes in And they basically unlock all your doors open up all your windows and put a sign outside your door saying house is open to be robbed. See the robber didn’t rob you it was somebody else who came in sometimes it’s not Covid that’s killing you but Covid opened up the door for another virus to come in and it killed you or some pre-existing ailment that you had. It was under control before Covid got in and Covid opened it up.

Sammy Sose Since you like anecdotal evidence, I have been getting vaccinated against the flu annually since 1984 and in spite of working in hospitals filled with flu cases, I have never contracted the flu. I also have had all my COVID boosters and bivalent vaccinations, and have never contracted COVID, but my Dad died of Covid just before he would have been able to get the vaccination. A high school classmate never got vaccinated against the flu and was the first in the county to die of it that year. Consider yourself trumped (probably in more ways than one).
