Maternal and infant death rates are higher in states that ban or restrict abortion, report says | CNN

Overall, death rates from any cause among women of reproductive age – 15 to 44 – were 34% higher in abortion-restriction states than in abortion-access states, according to the report


Chris Wincek and we can’t do both we can’t keep kids that are actually born and have cancer live while also taking care of other unwanted children are you kidding me?  That’s the most absurd and ridiculous argument I’ve ever heard. Reason why that it’s relevant is because I’m a human being you are a human being  in our ability to take these issues and argue them, and rationalize about what is moral, and what is immoral is the nature of human reason.

Right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of my gender, race hair color ect.

I’m not for taking away any woman’s rights I am for putting out there that there are other options, other than abortion, and talking about the morality, the ethics behind the practice of abortion .

The problem with the statement

“This is a debate about women being able to control decisions regarding their own bodies” is that there is more than one body involved in the decision, the mother and her unborn offspring

Btw I’m agnostic so
I have no affiliation with a particular religion, I will work with organizations that may be religious or individuals who may have a theology if our common goal is to create an environment where women have better options than abortion. For instance Apologia church is pro life, I love working with them to provide legal counsel and free adoption as an alternative to abortion for women in crisis pregnancies.

But, I don’t need a god to tell me that it’s wrong to kill

I have no problem with womn wanting a abortion as long as women can not ask men for support, their new hubby can do all the supporting. No use doing mens abortion, we can save time and men are not responsible for anything unless they are in the same household., they really had no choice, also comes with abortion is the loss of protections for the fetus for if it is not considered life it has no protections and therefore is only a organ that has no value. Its a dang if ya do and dang if you do not. Just can not have it your way every way. How many women use this as a weapon, child support and more, and what about the man who wants the wine dine and supprt of anouther man . Yes fixing abortion the right way can fix a lot of problems,, The night in shining armor gold digger may say " hey wait a minute, I am not supporting those kids that are not mine ?? Oh yes women will also be careful in there adaultis affairs for the man can walk away faster than ever. Oh yes any state allowing abortions must decide to be non discrimative and yes a man can file for his abortion on paper for it would be total discrimination not to allow him his abortion even if on paper. But I really like my idea, women can do what they want, but it comes with a cost they can not ask a man or make a man support their choice not even in divorce, men will be finaly be free from vindictive gold digging women, they will most likely be less on cheating knowing a man can walk away and the adualter may only end up with a peice of , So yes I look at the good side of it all, better marriages, less adulters, less domestics and yes men will in time adapt that they have no children to worry about for it is a womens problem and a womens choice. Really face it with a lt of these things in custody we have weekend worriers, oh no your not seeing them and all that and no court order with teeth that say no child you automaticaly go to jail that causes problems and the like. Just look at how many do not want the father in the pic, they may get their wish at a cost to them that they can not ask for support and more. Court must be just, courts must be fair and courts can not discriminate and with the above the goverment can support the child for NO MAN CAN BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR A WOMENS CHOICE JUST AS A MAN HAS NO RIGHT IN A WONENS CHOICE.. oh well soon enough these things will come slowely but surely, men are already adjusting to not being able to see their kids properly and fairly along with all the other factors. Yes women just as men can not have it all their way, it must be fair, it can not discriminate and protections can be in place like now the adualter will be supporting the kids if in his-their care, no golden goose here and the women will have a choice chose wrong and can ose it all when the man walks for will the adualter stay ??? Oh want to cause a fight and argue and use threats oh well lot of that will disapear also, for a man can walk away free as a bird. Oh yes, we need abortion laws fixed, corrected and fair and to save a lot of trouble we can just say, men you can walk free as a bird for we do nt even need a courtroom for a mans abortion, it is automatic when they leave the household.. You women to me are then on YOUR OWN, and hopefully your adualter will be there fo you for he may also be walking-running away. A NEW FREE WORLD, men ad women will need to make good choices.

Bill Bullerwell - "Again I will reiterate. It is the left that continues to divide society into three groups based on RACE, gender/sexual orientation and financial class. NOT THE RIGHT!"

I have to disagree here. The right, not the left, is not only condemning LGBTQ (morally, ethically) they are actively working to make them less equal by denying marriage rights, among other things. It was the conservative right that was denying interracial marriage which led to the SCOTUS decision in Loving vs. the state of Virginia in 1967.

When a group of people is actively attempting to deny the rights they already enjoy, to another group of people, it is THEY who are dividing society into groups. How else can a person deny rights to a certain group unless they already view that group as separate? That makes no sense.

Pangela Emabalabala it's "immoral" to cheat on your spouse or lie to a friend too, are you going to make laws against those "immoral" acts as well? Your page is full of religious quotes, yet you have no right to force your views onto others, that alone is "immoral" Do you realize how many "immoral", unethical and violent acts were condoned and sometimes promoted by God and His Bible? You should actually read the bible and stop cherry picking before promoting it, it's full of "immoral" acts. What's really "immoral" is allowing women to die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth when it is medically preventable. When it saves an already living, breathing, functioning life in danger of death, abortion is justifiable. Your god does not give you the right to sit in judgement of others: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

Melanie Holland Gee Im sorry that this happened to you.....but do you also need to work on your reading comprehension skills? I want you to read the article again and pay attention to the headline ticker: "Overall, death rates from any cause among women of reproductive age – 15 to 44 – were 34% higher in abortion-restriction states than in abortion-access states". The article is about mortality rates being higher in states that restrict abortion...NOT that there is no mortality rates in states that allow abortion. More importantly, my response to Karen Green...which you are commenting on is based in her declaration that this is somehow based on Roe v Wade being overturned...which it isn't. In your words " NOT. THE. SAME". I'm not sure what the point of your comment is, but you have accomplished nothing and made no point.

Drew Pendley well, I'm trying to keep the kid's that are actually born, and have cancer, alive. You're thinking about abortion, or mine, is irrelevant because we aren't women. Why on Earth do you think women are second class citizens that need the government to tell them what to do? Dont like abortion, thats fine, no one really does but that doesn't mean you take that medical procedure away because of your religious beliefs (and yes, pro-Birth is rooted in religious beliefs).

This is a debate about morality. Its a debate about women being able to make decisions regarding their own bodies.

Michel R Waldner Fetus is NOT latin for young child. This is another uneduacted comment that you will most likely delete like you have done before: "A fetus is a mammal before it's born. Once upon a time, you started as an embryo, matured into a fetus, and were then thrust into the world as a newborn.
Fetus is a Latin word that means "the bearing, bringing forth, or hatching of young." Even though the Latin points to a fetus "hatching," contemporary science only regards viviparous vertebrates as having fetuses. In other words, if an animal has a backbone and was delivered via live birth, it was once a fetus. If a kitten has claws, whiskers, and ears, but is still inside its mother's womb, it's a fetus. In the UK, fetus is spelled foetus." - Just stop.

Chea Rigby New Jersey is 4th in maternal mortality. Abortion is legal. It’s so sad, that women dying due to poor or lack of access to maternity care, most often blood pressure (post 20 weeks)/obesity related, is even debated with Roe v Wade. This “study” only proves, the more pregnancies terminated lowers the amount of pregnant women who die under any circumstance.
We can do better.

I had PIH and almost died, by this “logic,” had I terminated my pregnancy I wouldn’t have been in the position to jeopardize my life. NOT. THE. SAME. Early delivery is always an option regardless of term, in all states. Article is irrelevant to actual cause of maternal mortality….

Bill Bullerwell - First, you DO realize that blaming the current division in our country on the left (on one group instead of admitting that ALL are to blame), is divisive in and of itself - that you are being divisive just as you accuse the left of, correct? Hypocrisy discredits your argument.

Second, social norms SHOULD be torn down when they actively seek inequality. Social norms, by definition, change and are not static regardless if the change is gradual or forced.

Third, Socialism and Marxism are two different political philosophies. That you use them interchangeably discredits your argument.

You mention that the left proselytize morally corrupt ideas. One of the primary tenets of conservatism in the US is religion. Specifically the Christian religion. As an Atheist, I find it morally corrupt that Christians NEED a system of reward and punishment from an invisible baby sitter in order to be good human beings. Their belief system promotes some of the most morally corrupt behavior because all is forgiven when they park their keester in a church pew on Sundays.

There is divisiveness on BOTH sides. That you claim only one side is guilty is divisive in itself.

10ºJulie Bledsoe yeah, you said what said and you support the murdering of children in the womb. It’s a religion to you leftists. It’s a demonic cult that sacrifices the unborn. You leftists take pleasure in this ritual.

No one is arguing against a medical procedure to end an ectopic pregnancy to save the life of the mother.

What does healthcare, LGBTQI+, and climate change have to do with preserving life in the womb? But really, LGBTQ people are committing suicide because of the right? Can you cite a source for that? In regards to man caused climate change, that’s a hoax. All the major proponents of man caused climate change are flying around in private jets, who live in multimillion dollar massive ocean Front properties. Think about it, if you were that concerned about rising oceans due to climate change, why invest millions of dollars in a home that the ocean is going to swallow up?

You know that planned parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a racist who wanted to use abortion to rid the black race because she believes in eugenics. What race per capita have the most abortions today? Black women.
