FIFA: फुटबॉल फीवर के बाद हिंसा, हार से बौखलाए मोरक्को के फैन्स का फ्रांस से ब्रसेल्स तक तांडव

मोरक्को की हार के बाद फैन्स का ब्रसेल्स में फूटा गुस्सा #FIFAWorldCup


Vinay Kumar Gupta Rubbish people with a red oculus mind set how fool you people are if in the world any thing happen you foolish Bewakoof people are comparing to the Islam to the religious i don't know when you guys will be having a bit of mind that no religious are teaching to harm any one only it's is human being him self who are harming people the biggest religion in the world is the religion of humanity very poor thinking of all the people who are comparing all the incidents in the world come from any community to their religious