Pope Francis has already signed resignation letter in case of bad health | CNN

Pope Francis has revealed in a new interview that he has already signed his resignation letter to be used in the event of him becoming “impaired.”



Karl, I was born and raised Catholic, went to Catholic School, and sent my child to Catholic School...I have since left the Church because it needs a MAJOR reconciliation between the beliefs they teach, and the REALITY of some REALLY SERIOUS past, and ONGOING horrific abuses, perpetrated by the Church itself, on the most vulnerable and innocent of their Church Members. ( completely UNACCEPTABLE ) Until they do that, I will no longer support them. But this Pope has actually publicly ACKNOWLEDGED those horrific sins, and the places where the Church can improve its viewpoints....like I said, he is a GOOD Pope. To each his own.

Jennifer Heale It's a valid contingency. He's seen his predecessor. Having this contingency in place allows him to focus on his job with confidence. When his time to become a humble monk comes, he has the confidence of those around him to let him know. This is a good leadership method. I am not criticizing Benedict for not doing the same. Benedict was 'it's time, we are not going to mess around with this'. Pope Francis has the benefit of modern examples, including Benedict's, to draw upon. He is 'The time will come, and we shall be ready for when it does'.

‏The peoples of the Islamic nation from the ocean to the Gulf, and the peoples of the world are references, scientists, students of science, intellectuals, and the public. The blessing of reason is one of the greatest blessings. And the purpose and purpose of the proposition is to carry the knowledge of prophecy, clarify the clear truth of the nation, raise awareness, and reveal falsehood about the nation. And that God has singled out the people of the house with countless characteristics, advantages and dignity. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said, "We have the people of the house, the keys to science, the doors of wisdom, the light of the matter, and the separation of speech."And that the Qur'an and the Atra of the people of the house are the ones that God wanted for the nation, and they are the extension of God's message to the people of the earth and the memorisers of the religion of God, and the guardians of the nation are scholars and references of the nation. Scholars and references to the nation, scholars and references of the nation, God denies the Jews and Christians in claiming knowledge in the saying of Almighty, "Or do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes were Jews or Christians?" Say, "Do you know the mother of God?"The Commander of the Faithful Ali said in his commandment to Al-Hasan, "I command you to ask the people of the remembrance, and we and God are the people of the remembrance." Only a liar claim this. Allah said, "Ask the people of the Reminder if you do not know." We are the people of the Reminder, so accept our command and finish what we have forbidden, and we are the gates from which you have been ordered to come. We, by Allah, the gates of those houses are not for anyone else, and no one else says."The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said, "If there was only one day left of this world, Allah would send a man from my household with whom religion would be returned."And we, the people of the house, do not need or wait for anything from the scholars and references of the nation! And we are ready and ready to go out and appear in front of the media screen in carrying, clarifying, interpreting and interpreting the Holy Quran and the science of prophecy with the novels of Ahl al-Bayt, manuscripts, documents, and columns of the series of honourable genealogy to Imam Ali and Sayyida Fatima Al-Zahra And we know the science of certainty and the truth of certainty in our appearance on the media screen, the role of scientists and references in the nation will end!!

Chris Fry there were schools called residential schools ran by the Catholic Church and were religion based that stole native children from their communities and put them through extreme trauma of all kinds along with sexual, mental and physical abuse. these schools were funded by the Catholic Church and the records of them along with the abuse were just recently uncovered at the Vatican and the pope himself flew to Canada to try and apologize for the horrors they had put Native American children through. these past summers we were finding the graves of tens of thousands of these children in the churches yards, it’s where they buried them after they’d died from their abuse and neglect. this was all happening in an attempt to make native children more “white” and to strip them of their culture and everything. a lot of the people in my family are survivors, it’s not an opinion it’s fact and your little pope even had to apologize for it which we didn’t accept it because the Catholic Church only apologized after we started finding the bodies that they tried to keep hidden and also because they are known for these horrors and doing these things to many other indigenous peoples all around the world which is basic history. can you explain your lack of education to me though?
