Rare evidence that dinosaurs feasted on mammals uncovered

“At first, I couldn’t believe it. There was a tiny rodent-like mammal foot about a centimeter (0.4 inch) long perfectly preserved inside a Microraptor skeleton,” said Hans Larsson, a professor of biology at McGill University’s Redpath Museum in Montreal.



Heath Garris Please please tell us then why we believe in evolution at all. Darwin stated that without massive evidence of transitional species evolution is a lie. And as you know your so called transitional species are really animal’s pieced together from dozens of digs not found together at all and in most cases are disregarded as wrong when new evidence appears. NO transitional animals are every found intact…. And while you are at it can you help us all understand why the generic load caused by mutations produced positive results in the past but has never been observed in modern times? (IE: IE: radiation doesn’t cause you to grow wings, it causes you cells to mutate and your species die off, not continue for millions of years). If your foolish enough to answer these questions keep in mind I know ALL the problems with your hypothesis (evolution doesn’t have enough evidence to be considered a theory). I can and will expose all your lies so even a child can understand if you care to play along.
