Uncover the highs and lows of the controversial former mayor. The CNN Original Series Giuliani: What Happened to America’s Mayor? airs Sunday, January 8th at 9 p.m. ET/PT #GiulianiSeries



Susan Rita
Conservatives, on the other hand, demonstrate strong allegiance to Fox News. Among those with mostly conservative values, Fox is the only source trusted by a majority (72%). And among those who are consistently conservative, nearly nine-in-ten (88%) trust it as a source — by far the highest level of trust by any ideological group of any single source. The other outlets trusted by the greatest proportion of consistent conservatives are the radio shows of Sean Hannity (trusted by 62% of consistent conservatives), Rush Limbaugh (58%) and Glenn Beck (51%), which each have a much narrower audience reach overall than Fox News.

How about one on Biden's lies? These are among my favorite lies;
"raised in the Puerto Rican community at home," being arrested when protesting civil rights, being arrested in South Africa, his academic record, pinning a Silver Star on a Navy captain, the claim he confronted a gang leader named "Corn Pop" in the 1960s. And if that isn’t enough; he claimed the economy had "zero percent inflation" during July when it was actually 8.5%, has falsely claimed he was "appointed" to the Naval Academy, he was once a professional truck driver, "we almost lost a couple firefighters" when lightning struck his home 15 years ago, however, the Associated Press at the time reported that "no one was injured" in the "small fire that was contained to the kitchen" and under control within 20 minutes. Biden has spent his entire career lying but regularly gets a pass from the mainstream media. But wait, there’s more: He constantly lies with impunity and for no apparent reason. He said he finished at the top of his law school class. He finished near the bottom. He had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race due to plagiarism. He said he was arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela, he sought out Indiana Rep. Jackie Walorski at a White House conference — eight weeks after her high-profile death, Biden’s Story About Uncle Frank Doesn’t Add Up, Biden’s policies have something to do with an increase in Social Security payments, Guns’ Only Use Is To ‘Kill People’.
More to come.

I am on Rudy's side as all others who do their research and have the courage to accept the truth.
Jamie Raskin (on that J6 panel) got CAUGHT doctoring evidence along with the Democrat House Managers and they ALL made complete FOOLS of themselves during the Impeachment Trial. That is:
The "conspiracy theories" regarding January 6 were "debunked" during Impeachment Trial cross examination. Just three examples of many follow:
1. Jamie Raskin (now on the J6 TV Committee) getting CAUGHT doctoring evidence precisely at:
2. Democrat House Managers manipulating videos precisely at:

3. Democrat House Managers changing the word "Calvary" to "Cavalry" precisely at:
There are LOTS MORE examples at:
