Winter storm leaves at least 37 dead nationwide as residents in western New York remain trapped under feet of snow

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul told CNN the storm is the “most devastating storm in Buffalo’s long storied history.” The heavy snowfall and blizzard conditions made roads impassable with zero visibility, froze power substations and left at least 17 people across the state dead as of Sunday night.


Kind of off topic, and pretty much apples to oranges, but, let's look at the city of New Orleans and what's happened since Hurricane Katrina hit.

When Katrina hit, over 1500 people died.
Since Katrina hit, among 7 hurricanes, 72 people died.

Am I cruel or mean or heartless by saying that the City of New Orleans learned how to adapt to survive by coming together and rebuilding their city, or is it optimistic to know that while tragedies happen, we learn how to unite and make things better all across the board?

What are y'all talking about, again?

Doris Cooke, the climate always has and always will change.
That's why they had to quit calling it global warming.
They realized people weren't going to fall for it when it never got hotter.
So to keep minds such as yours in prison they fluffed the terminology.
So to make this clear to you, you are being played like a fiddle.
It's a lie designed to give them more power over our lives.
And they still claim that "climate change" is driven by greenhouse gasses.
Aren't greenhouse gasses supposed to make things warmer?
So think a little deeper before you call me a moron.

Jessica Crane you misunderstanding my optimism is me being ignorant? That's hilarious.

In terms YOU can understand, and I mean this with ALL intended disrespect, I get that people lost their lives in an extremely bad storm, and my heart goes out to their families.

HOWEVER, you morons suggesting to me that more people died than survived is ludicrous. Whether 37 people passed or 370,000 people passed from the storm, the survivors are STILL alive to talk about their experiences, rebuild if need be, and take whatever steps THEY deem feasible to make things better for THEM to where hopefully, the amount of people who die from a winter storm is ZERO.

While I apologize for YOUR ignorance with responding to MY words without understanding why EYE said them, I will NEVER apologize for people's inability to recognize when I'm being "glass half full" versus "glass half empty". I don't care how anyone feels about that, I'm unapologetic about it, and NO ONE is enough to change that, or me.

Thanks for bowing out, by the way, because now, we are done here.

Red Hemisphere relative. We are in a transitional period. Fossil fuel storage has been accessible and properly developed for a what, a couple hundred years? Solar / wind etc storage is just beginning. There ARE consumer level homes with electric power storage that already blows fossil fuel storage out of the water at the civilian level. It will only get better with time / development / research invested. The hope is we can get around troglodytes that hold your views quick enough to combat the damage that all of you clinging to fossil fuels are doing. Before these “once in a generation storms” become 2-3 times per year. Ignorance.

I grew up in Chautauqua county. The Buffalo area will always be home to me. People up there do prepare for this. Most homes are heated by gas, older not spray foam insulation. Pilots go out like my grandma's and she went down to 65 degrees in less than an hour from 74, thank goodness her heating people could get to her Friday to replace the pilot in the furnace or her house would be in the 59s right now and she's 94 You have to shovel the roof when it snows this bad or it caves in. I can remember my dad bailing blankets to the windows to keep the cold out growing up. People keep crash bags in their car Incase they get stuck. Unless you ever experienced lake effect snow that just keeps dumping and freezing cold wind, you have no idea what that like to live in.

Phillip Leonard I'm living this effin nightmare. Have NO POWER since Saturday. If I didn't have a gas stove to cook, gas fireplace for heat and a oil furnace with a gas generator and a truck filled with gas my family might be dead by now. Frozen AND starving. Notice the word GAS over and over? IF these Dems had their way all those appliances would be electric or banned. Then what? Call for help on my dead cellphone? We don't even have landline phones anymore. Once the roads are cleared I can drive my GAS truck for food. You think a Tesla will hold a charge for 4 days at 7 degrees outside?

The restraining Spirit of God is even now being withdrawn from the world. Hurricanes, storms, tempests, fire and flood, disasters by sea and land, follow each other in quick succession. Science seeks to explain all these. The signs thickening around us, telling of the near approach of the Son of God, are attributed to any other than the true cause. Men cannot discern the sentinel angels restraining the four winds that they shall not blow until the servants of God are sealed; but when God shall bid His angels loose the winds, there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture. (6T 408.1)

Jessica Crane Transition period or not, it does not fix the problem with depending on ONE source of energy for heating, cooling, cooking, lighting and transportation. Having a home and vehicle that depend on electricity ONLY is one severe storm away from disaster. The fact that this will happen more and more often is even more reason not to depend on ONE source of energy for everything. Not understanding energy diversification is truly living in ignorance. Get out of YOUR cave. We have NO electricity. I can still heat my home with a propane generator and gas fireplace. I can cook food on my GAS stove and oven. My truck is filled with gasoline that will last 2 weeks. I can charge my cellphone and batteries in my truck and my propane generator. They want to eliminate ALL of these things and build homes & cars 100% electric. Huge mistake. Troglodyte. Funny.

Dan Garcia Everything running on one source of energy is a bad idea. Even if that source of energy is better. Energy diversification for emergencies. I have NO electricity. I can still cook on my gas stove, drive my gas vehicle (even if i cant drive I can use it to charge my phones, batteries etc..) and heat my home with a gas/propane generator and gas fireplace and a match. They want to go all electric. Homes, cars, cooking, heating, everything. Not right. I have nothing against people buying an electric car. I want gas powered cars too. They want them eliminated. The electrical grid needs to double or triple in capacity. When is that going to happen? They can't even keep the lights on as soon as it gets too cold or too hot. Bad plan.

10ºGod help! This's the major reason I can't live in foreign countries! I'm Allergic to cold! My country is Not a 'snow falling country!' But when I travelled to a part of my country, I had Pneumonia, due to the cold, there! May the deceased' souls rest in peace! May God forgive their sins---and accept their souls---in Heaven! People in the world, should go to different Catholic churches, in their vicinities, and book masses for the deceased, of this snowfall's tragic incident. It's good to book masses, in the Catholic churches, every year, for all the dead! Also, during winter season, people who are Allergic to cold, or people who are sick, should migrate to African countries! There's no snowfall
