Over 1,300 US flights canceled the day after Christmas

More than 1,360 flights within, into or out of the US had already been canceled by 5 a.m. Monday.



The Storm !!1 America - you have Mistreated the Crying and Suffering People for to Long !! God - { YHWH } is Tried of your Foolishness // you got the People in America , Sleeping out in the Cold and Sending Billions of Tax Payers Dollars to Ukraine ... You are a Hypocrite -- you are in the Book of James 1 : 8 > Unstable -- the Serpent, the Crafty One of all the Wild Animals > Genesis 3 : 1 ,, It is Judgment Time > Baby -- let get it On > The Truth V.S . The Lie >>. Romans 1 : 25 /////////
