Former Minneapolis police officer charged with assaulting a man during 2020 protests after death of George Floyd | CNN

A former Minneapolis police officer is charged with assaulting a man during nighttime civil unrest following the death of George Floyd in May 2020, according to a complaint filed Wednesday


Karen Guthrie it’s clear you know nothing of how foreign aid works… Ukraine doesn’t get a check for the money. It is spent on programs with very little going directly to Ukraine to spend themselves.

The asylum process is a LEGAL form of immigration, but the process isn’t streamlined and trumps racist policies have affected everything. Please explain what is wrong with the people coming to this country that want to be here? Most of our ancestors immigrated illegally as well when all that was require to enter the country was a stamp…

I’m confused why we should be using money on Americans…. Do republicans want handouts or not? Do they want big government or not? You guys talk out of the side of your mouths for sure.

It would be nice if republicans joined the table on discussing taxing the rich, social programs, universal income, increasing the wage, or even protecting children from pedophiles, but they will always vote for their donors.

And look how awesome things turned out in Minneapolis after George Floyd parades, protest, BLM show?? That year, the number of murders soared to nearly 80 — dwarfing the 2019 body count of 46. It has cooled somewhat this year, though the amount of killing — and violent crime in general — remains elevated far above 2019 levels and homicides are on pace to surpass the 2020 figure. The reasons why are far from clear.

KG Wilson, a longtime resident of the Twin Cities, said police withdrew from violent neighborhoods in the aftermath of Floyd’s killing — a common sentiment among locals.

“The criminals were celebrating. They were getting rich,” he said. “They were selling drugs openly.

Todd Obrien HERE'S RAY EPPS...

"Ray Epps told the Jan. 6 committee that the theory that he was working for the FBI never made much sense, given that Epps’ image landed on an FBI poster in the immediate aftermath of the attack. He wasn't working for the CIA, or the NSA, or the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, he said.

“The only time I’ve been involved with the government was when I was a Marine in the United States Marine Corps," Epps said.

Even after telling the committee how conspiracy theories had torn apart his life, Epps continued to repeat other unfounded claims about the 2020 election including that "antifa" had infiltrated the mob."

Gary Stark Police may only use deadly force when necessary. Deadly force was not necessary so it is irrelevant that he resisted. Use of force must be relative to the threat. George didn't threaten anyone that day. He was on the ground for 9 minutes under Derek's knee barely moving or breathing as a direct result of Dereks excessive force that was not proportionate to any threat or resistance level. George woke up that morning and died later in the day. Just because the police use of excessive force took place AFTER George woke up that day does not mean he died from waking up no more than it means he died as a result of resisting arrest. Go ahead and try that in court though and see how far ya get.
