Sikh Marine recruits can keep their turbans and beards throughout training, court rules | CNN

A federal appeals court has ruled that three Sikh men should be allowed to go through US Marine Corps recruit training with their turbans and beards intact.


The main reason for the no beard policy is because everyone is issued and has to be proficient in the use of gas masks. Beards mean a poor seal. Also applies to the navy and air force because masks are used in flight and damage control/fire fighting.

Short hair and clean shaven has also historically cut down on lice which has been a real issue in many wars.

So there is a practical reason for the regs. That said, I would have had no problem serving with Sikhs when I was in. It's not like they don't already make accommodations for religion. Heck, there's a chaplain corps and houses of worship on every post I've been on. Religious preference is stamped right on your dog tags. Even special field rations for religions with dietary restrictions.

If you want to serve, can physically/mentally do it, and do it honorably, you get my respect regardless of what hat you wear.

Michelle Trenolone-Fordemwalt Baloney.

First off, the SCOTUS decision this year was faborable to exactly this, regardless of the fact that the decision was based on the fabricated premise that this was the coach's post game personal me-time. This was a public display of faith by a public school employee in the course of his normal duties, immediately following a win in front of families, fans, and the opposing team, and heavy on the pressure for student players to join in on the 50 yard line. This clearly had the strong appearance of government endorsement and proponency of a particular religion.

Second, and more importantly, children in a public school being subjected to the religious whims of an employee entrusted with them is a far cry from volunteer military recruits asking to have their own personal, individual religious expression recognized and protected, with the bare minimum of concessions from DoD policy.

A buck private in a dastar doesnt have the appearance of or opportunity for improper religious coersion with actual weight behind it that a high school football coach in front of his players does.

Really ??? Then so too should hippies and native americans be allowed to keep their long hair and beards

When does it become right alter the basic processes in place for induction and training

you will no longer be required to get shots or vaccinations no longer required to cut your hair or beards

no longer have to follow orders ....basic training becomes a multiple choice preference exam

you no longer have the Marines Corps

I love and understand the tenets of the Sikh religion or wisdom faith tradition

but this is wrong ....and only shows the extent of corruption and bribery in our court system now

If you are a Sikh and do not want to be a US Marine

then do not enlist

India has sided with Russia and China in a war on the Free World

and you want special privileges and rights now for their citizens in our military

I am sorry but you will need to sell crazy somewhere else ....cause we are all full up over here

Just because one wears a Turban and a Beard .....does not put one above the rules of the USMC training and inspection criteria

Next will come a mandate for extended head room in all flights and vehicles

You who practice the Sikh wisdom faith tradition will be so happy

at the destruction of our US Marines

How happy they are in Delhi and in Pakistan where they offered $50,000 for the death of American Servicemen in Afghanistan

next will be the mandate that we all have to wear turbans and beards and practice the Sikh wisdom faith tradition

something is very very wrong here

Jorge Frederick
