Keenan Cahill, YouTube lip syncer, dies at 27

Keenan Cahill, a YouTube star who racked up millions of views by lip-syncing to pop hits and performing with celebrities like Katy Perry and 50 Cent, has died at age 27


Hello, my name is Sufyan. 4 years ago, I had a severe headache, a high degree of fever, and a lot of pain in my body. I went to the doctor and did a few tests, but to no avail. My illness was not diagnosed. I spent money everywhere. Unfortunately, my disease was not diagnosed. After I am still suffering from this malignant disease that destroyed my life, I have lost weight and my health is getting worse every day, and I am still suffering from pain and headaches in my body. For a long time I have been looking for help in my country, but I did not find anyone to help me, in my country. Everything is with money, even the hospital with money, treatment with money, examinations with money, medicine with money, and doctors in Morocco deal with money. They have no mercy or humanity, every day that passes, it gets worse for me, I desperately need help, this great pain and headache that I feel every A day is what made me search for help on Facebook in order to save myself from death and from this malignant disease, I ask for help in order to diagnose my disease and treatment, that's all

Ok! Go Animation, We Bare Bears, everything on Cartoon Network since “1992” (redo) 1999“Beastie Boys, Presets co vocalist, Bloc Party, Gorillaz” co-recording artist..Gorillaz Concept Cover artist..Advanced urban art calligraphy, started as “Rob Liefeld” (Youngblood Image comics) advanced to Bart Sears (unreleased Man O’WAR, Venom, X-Men, Iron Man, Justice League, Green Lantern, Superman, Bayonetta, Ghost In The Shell, all Manga Comics)..murdered by San Pasquale Swim Team by gunfire ..played the oboe on Depeche Mode “Everything Counts” and produced the “Violator” album with Rob and me, Jay Subido, on vocals..shot me dead from behind..”Oliver that steals” was told I was “John Cabreros” by Samoan Victoria as white person..knew him as Benjamin “steal ramen” Button (prior Oliver Subido from Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Manhunt (Jay-Anthony massacre) Terminator wars and Land Before Time..survived the Niagara Dam Fall & San Andreas Quake, “Cold Wars” by brother, Jay Subidos instinct, continual adjustments, an ENEMY AS ALLY OR REICH..initial case against “for” assault against innocent old “serial killing, dangerous” man to those younger or generating..not a child.. false testimony for against “U.S.A” and U.N.O..”Matt Certa/Joe Rogan/Greg Solima Jr.-Sr…”John Carpenter Horror Films”/“Orion Films Horror results”
