5 things to know for Dec. 30: Ukraine, Snowstorm, Sesame allergy, George Santos, Pelé | CNN

Here are 5⃣ things you need to know today 1⃣ Ukraine 2⃣ Buffalo blizzard victims 3⃣ Sesame will join the major food allergens list 4⃣ George Santos continues to face scrutiny 5⃣ Brazilian soccer legend Pelé dies at 82



And perhaps the biggest loser of 2022 is outgoing Republican Representative Liz Cheney. Cheney went from being one of the leading conservative voices in the U.S. House to a footnote in former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s biography in the course of 24 short months
Cheney managed to lose an unlosable congressional primary in Wyoming due to her partisan perch on the illegitimate January 6 Select Committee. Not only did the committee waste millions and still come up with absolutely nothing new, it was in the end exposed as a taxpayer-funded presidential exploratory committee. To quote a committee staffer from a recent Washington Post story, "…when [the committee] became a Cheney 2024 campaign, many of us became discouraged.

1. Who is accountable for the trillions we giving Ukraine?
2 Where all the global warming nuts? Had Biden addressed it or visited it. No wait he flew off to the islands. How much jet fuel that put in the ozone layer they so worried about?
3. What is there that some people are not allergy to
4. Twitter files proving conspiracy theories were real
5. Young people dying unexpectedly over the US.
6. Maybe the guy that lied watched Biden lie so much about his school, his homes, his life that he thought he try it. Biden got by with it

Joke Biden claimed he graduated at the top of his college class, LIE.
Biden said he has 3 college degrees, LIE.
Joke claimed that on his watch the annual deficit has gone down, although the decline is entirely attributable to temporary spending programs related to Covid-19 pandemic expiring, LIE.
Biden claims that gas prices were over $5.00 when he took office, LIE.
He bragged that he boosted Social Security payments “for the first time in 10 years,” LIE.
Biden claimed he got students loan forgiveness was passed by a vote or two, LIE.
Joke claimed there wasn't a vaccine available when he took office, lie.
Biden claimed he had been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 40 times, LIE.
Joke said as a youth he was arrested for civil rights protesting, LIE.
Biden said he used to drive tracker trailer but only for part of a summer, lie.
Joke claimed that small businesses were up 30% from before the pandemic, LIE.
Biden said If the president had done his job, from the beginning, all the people would still be alive," All the people. I'm not making this up. Just look at the data. Look at the data." LIE.
Biden said "Thousands, tens of thousands of people who are over 18 years of age and single people, one at a time coming, have been sent back, sent home,". "We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming, LIE.
