Former Pope Benedict XVI asks for forgiveness, thanks God in final published letter

Former Pope Benedict XVI, who died Saturday in a monastery in the Vatican at the age of 95, asked for forgiveness for those he has “wronged” in the spiritual testament published following his death.


Chris DeBello WHO DIED & MADE YOU GOD & THE JUDGE OF THE UNIVERSE??? Regardless of who a person is or what they have done the Bible teaches us that God will forgive us of our sins!!!!! Thank God we don't have to go through anyone in this world to do so. We can go straight to the Father, Son & Holy Spirit for ourselves. Sin is Sin!!! There is no level or category for it such as big sin or little sin. The Pope asked for forgiveness for whatever reasons (and he didn't say for what because IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!!) END OF SUBJECT. Whomever was victimized can seek help or pursue legal actions, if they feel it's necessary and i will be the first to say a pray for them. Otherwise, LET THIS MAN REST IN PEACE. By the way i'm not Catholic. Therefore, that's not why i'm commenting in this manner. Right is right so let's be the bigger person here. Sincerely, A Georgia Peach Christian Senior Citizen Woman of Integrity Who Knows Better.

Randall Owens what if it is true and you could only find out when you have left your body? And knowing that there is no repentance in the grave.

Which is better; live reckless life and hope that there will be no judgement after death(and again, you can only find out when you are dead and if you are wrong, you are condemned for all eternity).

Or repent and live with eternity in view and even if you died and found out that there is no judgement, you would have nothing to lose. Because living a righteous life has no down side. It is a win win for those who strive to live the life of christ.

Chris DeBello I’ve noticed some things about the Christian faith, very much to your point.

Part of the overall process is rebuking the sin, not just the confession. It’s easy to say the words, especially to a third party (such as a priest) but if we continue to knowingly sin/wrong others, then how genuine was the confession itself?

That said, asking forgiveness of a non-responsive entity is much easier than humbling oneself and asking forgiveness of the people we’ve actually wronged, because both tension and conflict are avoided and/or ignored completely.

Those two things have always bothered me and I’m not sure if anyone else views it in the same way.

Here we go again. The Catholic Church ️ is not the only that has reported Pedophiles within! Pastor. Priest Evangelicals …
Pentecostals  Charismatic.. Lutheran.. 
Protestant Churches have had as many issues! The Pope is not God …. He is not everywhere. These things happen in Schools. Many have gone to jail without the consent of the Diocese! There are those that escaped Conviction and Never Repented! They are still out there & God knows who they are…. and he is the Judge above all judges! Meanwhile…. I prayed for severe consequences…. Because there are so many Repeat Offenders in this World . Take a look at Ghisalaine Maxwell! She is in jail… I hope she remains there . As for Victim’s... I feel their pain! . God help them Recover! .

Christopher Hess 90% you think were false claims? Really? Are you projecting YOUR opinion? Please link this fact because I would love to see it. I’m raised Catholic and haven’t step foot in a church once I was old enough to understand the disgusting truth. Not “practicing” doesn’t make me any less but I promise you everything they say about these Cardinals and Priests are true. Catholics need to speak the truth and own this! Once that’s done I’ll go back and baptize my son. Meanwhile I’ll find a better place for my son that will be safe and have a beautiful relationship with God.

Mark 9:42 ESV
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. & also: James 1:27 ESV
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. The Pope living a comfortable existance unto death, he could have wrote a book on asking for forgiveness - which would do / mean nothing to the multitude of victims who did not fair well in life - traumatized by their childhood sexual abuse (CRIME). His (as well as all human beings) fate in Eternity is TOTALLY in OUR CREATORS hands.

Waltraud Phillips Hello I love your comment, I can guess that such comment comes only from nice and caring people like you..I'm really much impressed about your profile and personalities. I also admire your good sense of humor on here. I don't normally write in the comment section, but I think you deserve this compliment....I'll like to be your friend...yet, I've tried sending you a request several times but it doesn't go through. I would be so happy if you can just click on my profile and send me a request, but if you find this message embarrassing, please forgive my manners, have a safe day

Christopher. This is nothing to do with the media, as the power of the Vatican has had control of what we believed for hundreds of years.
It is simply the evidence that has come forward by adults… once abused children, who now feel brave enough and more importantly believed, to disclose this vile abuse to protect others.
I have personally witnessed the heart breaking disclosures, from often suicidal men, who are my heroes, as they describe their vile and hidden abuse, in religious boarding schools, which should have been a place of safety! You cannot hold the media responsible for this disclosure.

Paul Bonewicz he was a Nazi soldier that killed Jews for Hitler. He ran to the priesthood to escape from the consequences that befell all other members of the Nazi Army.
From the shame of decades of hiding perversion that was now coming to light no thanks to him, he quit. Then he asked for forgiveness from a Pope holier than him for thousands of children that were continuously abused because he kept with the traditions of man instead of working with the law to call out ungodly acts.
He's one of 2 failed Pope's. Sad knowing even Hitler's Pope didn't quit obviously, he was worse.

10ºMorgan OHare oh I'm that disgusting and more. If you really want to defend a pedophile that defends pedophiles, I'll let you in on a little secret. Once you've lived your sanctimonious life, judging and condemning all those before you for not adhering to the diary of your sky daddy, there will come a time when you yourself will die, and you will start to fade away and you will be ever hopeful for the light and the afterlife. But it won't come. And you will realize with your last seconds on this earth, that you are wrong and have done wrong and in that, you are the antithesis of what you've preached your whole life. Slowly fading to nothing but a body that will rot in the ground like the rest of us sinners, your concept of God will fade away, and with it, another fairy tale preacher. I live to see the day when your abhorrent "religion" dies with you and your kin. happy new year
