Recession or soft landing? Five reasons to be cautiously optimistic about 2023 | CNN Business

Now that 2022 is over, there are clear bright spots in this economy that offer hope 2023 will not be the year the next recession begins


Wolfgang Krenner
Happy Freakin' New Year from Biden !!!
Biden said no IRS tax increase for those making under $400,000.

So, instead, effective 1/1/23, he is hitting you through increased tax on oil, natural gas, coal, a corporate tax increase that they will pass on to you, and if you have stock retirement, or if your employer has employee retirement fund invested in stocks, be prepared to pay up/lose more money.

Georgia is getting US taxpayer money to build the Michael Obama walking trail.
And Ukraine to get millions more in Biden Family hush money paid for by US taxpayers, too.
Don't you think its about time to shave the wool from your eyes and ears, educate yourself on the "whole" truth?
You realize Trump is not the president, typical dem, when you can't defend you, deny and deflect.
20+ democratic candidates and this is the idiot that got the most votes?

As written by the Biden admin and DNC. Meanwhile in reality, our cist of living remains way higher than just 1 year ago....which was already setting records. And the tax and spend plans full of pork projects, along with new taxes kicking in as soon as this month on everything from fuel and energy to our payroll taxes....the goverent will be keeping more of the money we earn.

Without Biden reversing course on his failed economic policies, from energy to manufacturing regulations, things won't get better. At least now....with a new majority in the House, the brakes can be hit on the runaway trainwreck of the last 2 years.


This is whats coming 2023...

Happy Freakin' New Year from Biden !!!
Biden said no IRS tax increase for those making under $400,000.

So, instead, effective 1/1/23, he is hitting you through increased tax on oil, natural gas, coal, a corporate tax increase that they will pass on to you, and if you have stock retirement, or if your employer has employee retirement fund invested in stocks, be prepared to pay up/lose more money.

Oh and don't forget the increased US taxpayer $$ going to Ukraine so they Bidens family secrets.

Or your US tax $$ going towards the Michael Obama walking trail in Georgia.

Michael Nail the comment is pure ignorance really. The reason we had enormous inflation to begin with was way too much excessive stimulus and this happened in many countries, but more so in the US. Sure, we needed some stimulus, but the 2nd and third boost is what stimulated inflation, especially when the supply chains couldn’t keep up with demand. Now the Fed is intentionally trying to slow down the economy and create a recession because of what the Govt created. If you honestly think more Govt and more spending is the answer, then it’s only going to get worse.

Please Sanction & boycott inhumane Bangladesh sweatshops ,& western companies like PVH , H&M , Michael Kors , Walmart etc for enslaving poor workers and gross violating fundamental human & labor rights!

How do USA & West live with good conscience when companies like PVH , H&M and Walmart race toward bottoms to clothe western people with cheap clothes from sweatshops toiled by exploited , deprived & enslaved labors ?

Most garments labors are deprived from minimum livable wage- withhold for several months. Inflation sky rocketed but their wages stuck in the gutter . On top long hours with no overtime pay, dangerous and hostile working atmosphere, deprivations of healthcare, shelters etc. The govt and owners ( most of the ruling party MP & leaders) continuously threaten them , subject them to abuses , sexual assaults are routines. The government and owners threaten them from forming unions. No profit sharing with the workers.

How can the west feel comfortable from such blood and sweat soaked clothes?
Boycott PVH , H&M, Michael Kors , Target and Walmart clothes ! Sanctions the Bangladesh’s greedy abusing and criminal garments companies!
