Millennials like me turned 40 this year. Everything you think you know about us is wrong | CNN

"The Myth of the Millennial is very different from the reality many of us are living," writes Catherine E. Shoichet.


Things are progressing as they should. It’s natural for younger generations to look at who came before and say they got it wrong. We (Gen X) got used to being the snotty rebels, now WE are the old and out of touch ones in the eyes of Millennials/Gen Z.

And guess what? In due time there will be a generation that looks back at GenZ and tells them they messed everything up too.

Circle of life.

Every generation has struggles the previous generations didn’t encounter. Respect should flow both ways: Us as the older folks need to understand it’s a different world from when we grew up, and younger people should realize older people faced challenges and did the best with what they had at the time.

Millennials are having their moment in the sun right now. It will pass soon enough.

It's like being a boomer, but you're born at the fringe of that designation and have nothing to do with that title. One, because you find the values disgusting and two, because your experience didn't match the stereotype at all! Literally just found out there's some middle designation called the "Jones" Generation, which had quite a different experience than the "Greatest" generation. We couldn't just buy a home, we didn't just roll into jobs with benefits and retirement, nor did we want to if it meant selling our soul, and our ideas about marriage and children no longer fell into neat packages. The whole media push to put us all in packages is super annoying.

Elaine Brunette My daughter is 36. She did this since a kid and only asthma stopped some things.
Owened her own home at 27, right next door to me. Brand new built. She did fewer sports than me because there are LESS for women, and her asthma.
I am proud of you, as you are rare. Now If you please come here, I have 3 cars that need their oil changed after this snow.
Oh, did I forget to mention above that I am a 90% disabled veteran. I am not asking for mercy, I will pay you for the oil changes and supply the oil and filters.
Oh by the way your husband looks familiar. Did his dad serve in the Navy with me?

Millenials: can you place air in a tire? Can you change a flat tire?
Can you check your oil? Can you change your oil? Does your car have an oil filter or not? What is a dipstick? What is an 1156?
Do you know what a yard is? Have you ever mowed one? Have you ever owned a recreational type vehicle? Where do You park it at your condo/apartment? IN the yard?
About me: at 10 years old I was mowing other peoples yards for money to buy a baseball mitt. I also delivered newspapers and learned how to read and find addresses.
In High school I worked for the school engineer when not in sports. Yes I can change locks doors, service airconditing systems and more...
Then the UNITED STATES NAVY, learned and fired weapons and learned electronic warfare. Qualified electrician/mechanic on more than 10 different aircraft. Was a rescue swimmer, a Helipcopter Crew Chief and mountain rescue crewman.
Then I got out and worked at the US POSTAL SERVICE and a carrier, clerk, mail handler, truck driver, Mechanic and temporary supervisor. Then went into Aerospace at Boeing and after a while suffered a layoff. Went back to the USPS. And Then I went back to Boeing, well stopo there because at this point I was now 40.
Now I am retired and I would only change 1 thing. I want more education than my 480 credits.
