Staying hydrated is linked to lower risk for disease, faster aging and early death, study finds | CNN

Drinking enough water associated with a significantly lower risk of developing chronic diseases and dying early.


Kathryn Savage lol WRONG actually our diet is the number one killer of humanity causing sicknesses and diseases, strokes, heart disease, heart attacks, cancers, diabetes, with diseases, Alzheimer's, such a sick diseased heavily medicated population overwhelming the health care system and hospitals AS well, Google The Standard American Diet Was Well Designed To Kill Us, hardly a healthy person around most are hooked on meds which don't cure they create customers REPEAT after REPEAT after REPEAT after REPEAT after REPEAT after REPEAT for LIFE a LIFE LONG CUSTOMER for big pharma... WFPB VEGAN for 30 years and last 10 years raw vegan fruitarian, 68 years young healthy, disease free and medication free, fruits are my diet, try again tomorrow
