A record number of women will serve in the next Congress

There will be a record number of Black and Latina women in the House, as well as a record number of Republican women.



Stan Vizinia
Men, always trying to get women to do their work for them. It was you that made the assertion that there was only one. Do a google search on "current war" and take a gander for yourself.

And look, you come on here posting your all-caps and jumping to conclusions about all sorts of things is pretty indicative of being edgy.

But I tell you what: if you saying I have no idea how edgy you can get means that you've got some deep dark edginess you haven't reached yet, then all you're doing is proving my point.

Stan Vizinia So, you utterly failed to pay attention, even when you directly asked and I directly answered.
This is why it doesn't matter about who is emotional. The factors that go into complicated tasks are many. Whether somebody feels a particular way while performing them is not the sole, majority, or even significant factor.
Men who don't pay attention to the information in front of them can be absolute robots completely devoid of emotion, and still not make the grade.

But I see by the fact that you've posted now a fourth reply, that you are indeed quite emotional in this discussion.
I'm only answering with one reply. I won't be chasing around three threads of thought.
Please, if you choose to continue the discussion, limit your responses to one. If you are unsure if you've said everything you need to, wait before pressing send to save us both the bother of your multiple posts.

(Ad hominem fallacies are poor crutches for a bad argument. I'm not insulted by your attempt to paint me as intellectually dishonest. I see it as a sign of frustration over losing the argument.)

Stan Vizinia if you don't get a loan paid off until you're 40 years old which happens in a lot of cases and older it was not an affordable loan it was a vulture loan. Also as long as this country exists it will be in debt just like most other countries. Instead of putting the burden on the middle class and poor it should be spread to the rich as well But they pay less taxes then the poor in the middle class. If the rich would pay their fair share that would put it in our debt right there.

Yes, but are they REAL women, or humans taking on the form of a woman when they feeeeeel like it? I guess we'll only know when they give birth... oh no - that's right - men can also give birth... unless in reality that's a woman who wants to be a man and puts on a suit and cuts her hair... It's all so confuuuusing these days...
I mean, not even the newest Justice, Jackson, whom I thought was a woman since she is a mother .. oh no, I can't say that... a 'person who gave birth' is more accurate now.... can't tell us the definition of one, so frightened was she the WOKE people wouldn't vote for her.
Yet she has to hold herself above politics and just apply the law.....? I hope the question never comes up before her in a Supreme Court decision one day...... and in the meantime, I hope these 'women' never have to fall back on their designated gender when explaining the policies they represent for their constituents.
Perhaps they could speak through a cone to hide their womanly voiceboxes? Maybe they should wipe off all their make-up and take off their jewellery so they don't upset Wokies by identifying with what we've always known and felt to be a woman.... Oh but that wouldn't work.. because that's the only way that a guy who wants to identify as a gal, can appear to be the part........ and if he's the only one wearing make-up, well that's discriminatory...
Oh what a tangled web YOU weave when first you practise to DECEIVE.........!!
